Array ( [dev] => [date] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-10-01 00:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [title] => Healthcare information based on data provided by U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). [request] => [report] => geographic-analysis [other] => WI [other2] => madison [other3] => [results] => Array ( [population] => App\Models\Database\DBCities Object ( [table:protected] => Miscellaneous.cities [connection:protected] => mysql [primaryKey:protected] => IDcities [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [IDcities] => 15978 [City] => Madison [State] => WI [Country] => USA [Latitude] => 43.08260 [Longitude] => -89.39310 [created_at] => 2021-02-05 21:48:27 [updated_at] => 2021-02-05 22:35:02 [IDsimplemaps] => 1840002915 [County] => Dane [Population] => 447245 [max_latitude] => 43.80626 [min_latitude] => 42.35894 [max_longitude] => -88.40229 [min_longitude] => -90.38391 ) [original:protected] => Array ( [IDcities] => 15978 [City] => Madison [State] => WI [Country] => USA [Latitude] => 43.08260 [Longitude] => -89.39310 [created_at] => 2021-02-05 21:48:27 [updated_at] => 2021-02-05 22:35:02 [IDsimplemaps] => 1840002915 [County] => Dane [Population] => 447245 [max_latitude] => 43.80626 [min_latitude] => 42.35894 [max_longitude] => -88.40229 [min_longitude] => -90.38391 ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [dates:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) ) [staffingAverages] => Array ( [city] => Array ( [rnhrd] => 1.0231663636364 [aidhrd] => 2.633035 [vochrd] => 0.59876818181818 [tothrd] => 4.25497 ) [state] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [aidhrd] => 2.46 [vochrd] => 0.62 [rnhrd] => 0.95177 [tothrd] => 4.02456 ) ) [nation] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [aidhrd] => 2.29 [vochrd] => 0.88 [rnhrd] => 0.66807 [tothrd] => 3.83737 ) ) ) [best] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751cb4 ) [provnum] => 525462 [provname] => Maplewood of Sauk Prairie [web] => maplewood-of-sauk-prairie [address] => 245 SYCAMORE ST [city] => SAUK CITY [state] => WI [zip] => 53583 [phone] => 6086433383 [county_ssa] => 550 [county_name] => Sauk [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 120 [restot] => 66.2 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => NURSING HOMES INC. [participation_date] => 1990-01-01 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 5 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 5 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 3.07722 [vochrd] => 0.62458 [rnhrd] => 0.72982 [totlichrd] => 1.35441 [tothrd] => 4.43163 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.97567 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.46175 [pthrd] => 0.04583 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 39.8 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 31.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.2339 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.9099 [cm_aide] => 2.08567 [cm_lpn] => 0.79808 [cm_rn] => 0.60788 [cm_total] => 3.49163 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.05103 [adj_aide] => 3.36311 [adj_lpn] => 0.68261 [adj_rn] => 0.79763 [adj_total] => 4.84335 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 4.34504 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-08-24 [cycle_1_defs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 36 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 36 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-06-21 [cycle_2_defs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 24 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 24 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-06-17 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 28 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 30.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 245 SYCAMORE ST,SAUK CITY,WI,53583 [latitude] => 43.2793 [longitude] => -89.734 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.424031595348 [min_latitude] => 43.134568404652 [max_longitude] => -89.535198457496 [min_longitude] => -89.932801542504 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.64112898837 [min_latitude] => 42.91747101163 [max_longitude] => -89.236996143739 [min_longitude] => -90.231003856261 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 5 [website] => [count10] => 2 [count25] => 24 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 6 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c4a ) [provnum] => 525305 [provname] => Capitol Lakes Health Center [web] => capitol-lakes-health-center [address] => 333 W MAIN ST [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53703 [phone] => 6082832000 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 72 [restot] => 29.1 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => CAPITOL LAKES INC. [participation_date] => 1979-09-04 [affiliatedentityname] => PACIFIC RETIREMENT SERVICES [affiliatedentityid] => 391 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 5 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 5 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 3.38008 [vochrd] => 1.11491 [rnhrd] => 1.80676 [totlichrd] => 2.92167 [tothrd] => 6.30176 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 4.54789 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 1.0697 [pthrd] => 0.06856 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 46.7 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 28.6 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.32719 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.97869 [cm_aide] => 2.24335 [cm_lpn] => 0.85842 [cm_rn] => 0.65383 [cm_total] => 3.7556 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.2817 [adj_aide] => 3.43446 [adj_lpn] => 1.13285 [adj_rn] => 1.83583 [adj_total] => 6.40314 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 4.62106 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-10-05 [cycle_1_defs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 28 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-08-11 [cycle_2_defs] => 10 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 52 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 52 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-05-26 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 40 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 40 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 38 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 9750 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 333 W MAIN ST,MADISON,WI,53703 [latitude] => 43.0713 [longitude] => -89.387 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 2 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.216031595348 [min_latitude] => 42.926568404652 [max_longitude] => -89.188874448992 [min_longitude] => -89.585125551008 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.43312898837 [min_latitude] => 42.70947101163 [max_longitude] => -88.891686122479 [min_longitude] => -89.882313877521 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 5 [website] => [count10] => 14 [count25] => 25 [rank10] => 4 [rank25] => 7 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751cd6 ) [provnum] => 525516 [provname] => Badger Prairie Hcc [web] => badger-prairie-hcc [address] => 1100 E VERONA AVE [city] => VERONA [state] => WI [zip] => 53593 [phone] => 6088456601 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 120 [restot] => 110.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => COUNTY OF DANE [participation_date] => 1993-08-01 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 2 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => [ss_quality_rating_fn] => 2 [staffing_rating] => 5 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 4.42439 [vochrd] => 0.21767 [rnhrd] => 1.45364 [totlichrd] => 1.67131 [tothrd] => 6.0957 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 5.57879 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 1.05669 [pthrd] => 0.00793 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 5.7 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 5.9 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.22925 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.90647 [cm_aide] => 2.07781 [cm_lpn] => 0.79507 [cm_rn] => 0.60559 [cm_total] => 3.47847 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.03953 [adj_aide] => 4.85374 [adj_lpn] => 0.23879 [adj_rn] => 1.59471 [adj_total] => 6.68724 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 6.12017 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-05-18 [cycle_1_defs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 32 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 32 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-03-17 [cycle_2_defs] => 11 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 72 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 72 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2020-03-12 [cycle_3_defs] => 6 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 40 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 40 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 46.667 [incident_cnt] => 2 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => 4 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 1100 E VERONA AVE,VERONA,WI,53593 [latitude] => 42.9933 [longitude] => -89.524 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.138031595348 [min_latitude] => 42.848568404652 [max_longitude] => -89.326126091113 [min_longitude] => -89.721873908887 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.35512898837 [min_latitude] => 42.63147101163 [max_longitude] => -89.029315227783 [min_longitude] => -90.018684772217 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 8 [count25] => 26 [rank10] => 5 [rank25] => 13 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c7c ) [provnum] => 525380 [provname] => Sun Prairie Senior Living [web] => sun-prairie-senior-living [address] => 228 W MAIN ST [city] => SUN PRAIRIE [state] => WI [zip] => 53590 [phone] => 6088375959 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 37 [restot] => 25.9 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => AHR SUN PRAIRIE TRS SUB, LLC [participation_date] => 1984-06-01 [affiliatedentityname] => TRILOGY HEALTH SERVICES [affiliatedentityid] => 524 [ccrc_facil] => Y [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.43388 [vochrd] => 0.91621 [rnhrd] => 0.59073 [totlichrd] => 1.50694 [tothrd] => 3.94082 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.61624 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.56795 [pthrd] => 0 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 51.7 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 50 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.47764 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.08964 [cm_aide] => 2.49766 [cm_lpn] => 0.95573 [cm_rn] => 0.72795 [cm_total] => 4.18134 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.65371 [adj_aide] => 2.22124 [adj_lpn] => 0.83617 [adj_rn] => 0.53912 [adj_total] => 3.59652 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.30029 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-11-30 [cycle_1_defs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 60 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 60 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-09-22 [cycle_2_defs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 36 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 36 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-08-11 [cycle_3_defs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 0 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 0 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 42 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 3 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 982.51 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 228 W MAIN ST,SUN PRAIRIE,WI,53590 [latitude] => 43.1833 [longitude] => -89.216 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 9 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.328031595348 [min_latitude] => 43.038568404652 [max_longitude] => -89.017511350946 [min_longitude] => -89.414488649054 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.54512898837 [min_latitude] => 42.82147101163 [max_longitude] => -88.719778377364 [min_longitude] => -89.712221622636 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 6 [count25] => 26 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 10 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c78 ) [provnum] => 525375 [provname] => Hebron Oaks [web] => hebron-oaks [address] => 510 GENOMIC DRIVE [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53719 [phone] => 6082304000 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 70 [restot] => 47.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => OAKWOOD VILLAGE UNIVERSITY WOODS HOMES INC [participation_date] => 1984-11-01 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => Y [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => None [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 4 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => 12 [staffing_flag] => 6 [pt_staffing_flag] => 6 [aidhrd] => [vochrd] => [rnhrd] => [totlichrd] => [tothrd] => [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [pthrd] => [totalnursingstaffturnover] => [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => 6 [registerednurseturnover] => [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => 6 [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => [cm_aide] => [cm_lpn] => [cm_rn] => [cm_total] => [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => [adj_aide] => [adj_lpn] => [adj_rn] => [adj_total] => [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-05-23 [cycle_1_defs] => 0 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 0 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 0 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-03-09 [cycle_2_defs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 52 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 52 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-11-10 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 16 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 20 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 982.51 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 510 GENOMIC DRIVE,MADISON,WI,53719 [latitude] => 43.0328 [longitude] => -89.498 [geocodingfootnote] => 22 [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -2 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -4 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.177531595348 [min_latitude] => 42.888068404652 [max_longitude] => -89.299998782766 [min_longitude] => -89.696001217234 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.39462898837 [min_latitude] => 42.67097101163 [max_longitude] => -89.002996956914 [min_longitude] => -89.993003043086 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 9 [count25] => 27 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 1 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 1 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751cd4 ) [provnum] => 525512 [provname] => Skaalen Nursing and Rehabilitation Center [web] => skaalen-nursing-and-rehabilitation-center [address] => 400 N MORRIS ST [city] => STOUGHTON [state] => WI [zip] => 53589 [phone] => 6088735651 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Church related [bedcert] => 91 [restot] => 48.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => SKAALEN NURSING AND REHABILIATION CENTER, INC. [participation_date] => 1993-06-01 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.43516 [vochrd] => 0.19316 [rnhrd] => 1.20381 [totlichrd] => 1.39698 [tothrd] => 2.83214 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.3778 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.8873 [pthrd] => 0.06901 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 42.4 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 29.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.22508 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.9034 [cm_aide] => 2.07076 [cm_lpn] => 0.79237 [cm_rn] => 0.60353 [cm_total] => 3.46667 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.02923 [adj_aide] => 1.57979 [adj_lpn] => 0.21263 [adj_rn] => 1.32513 [adj_total] => 3.11754 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.61742 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-05-23 [cycle_1_defs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 48 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-03-31 [cycle_2_defs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 12 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 12 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2020-02-25 [cycle_3_defs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 52 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 52 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 36.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 400 N MORRIS ST,STOUGHTON,WI,53589 [latitude] => 42.9206 [longitude] => -89.208 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -2 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.065331595348 [min_latitude] => 42.775868404652 [max_longitude] => -89.010359730205 [min_longitude] => -89.405640269795 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.28242898837 [min_latitude] => 42.55877101163 [max_longitude] => -88.713899325512 [min_longitude] => -89.702100674488 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 5 [count25] => 30 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 5 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751d4d ) [provnum] => 525692 [provname] => Oakwood Village East Health and Rehab Center [web] => oakwood-village-east-health-and-rehab-center [address] => 5833 AMERICAN PARKWAY [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53718 [phone] => 6082304000 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 40 [restot] => 34.1 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => OAKWOOD VILLAGE EAST LUTHERAN HOMES, INC [participation_date] => 2008-05-08 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => Y [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => None [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => 12 [staffing_flag] => 6 [pt_staffing_flag] => 6 [aidhrd] => [vochrd] => [rnhrd] => [totlichrd] => [tothrd] => [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [pthrd] => [totalnursingstaffturnover] => [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => 6 [registerednurseturnover] => [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => 6 [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => [cm_aide] => [cm_lpn] => [cm_rn] => [cm_total] => [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => [adj_aide] => [adj_lpn] => [adj_rn] => [adj_total] => [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-06-06 [cycle_1_defs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 56 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-03-15 [cycle_2_defs] => 2 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 8 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 8 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-12-01 [cycle_3_defs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 76 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 76 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 43.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 2 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 5833 AMERICAN PARKWAY,MADISON,WI,53718 [latitude] => 43.1574 [longitude] => -89.285 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -2 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -4 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.302131595348 [min_latitude] => 43.012668404652 [max_longitude] => -89.086595503025 [min_longitude] => -89.483404496975 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.51922898837 [min_latitude] => 42.79557101163 [max_longitude] => -88.788988757564 [min_longitude] => -89.781011242436 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 8 [count25] => 30 [rank10] => 5 [rank25] => 12 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751d64 ) [provnum] => 525729 [provname] => Oak Park Place of Nakoma [web] => oak-park-place-of-nakoma [address] => 4327 NAKOMA RD [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53711 [phone] => 6086404100 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 33 [restot] => 12.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare [inhosp] => N [lbn] => OAK PARK PLACE OF NAKOMA, LLC [participation_date] => 2019-06-05 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => None [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => [ls_quality_rating_fn] => 2 [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 4 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 3.89193 [vochrd] => 0.86572 [rnhrd] => 2.27595 [totlichrd] => 3.14167 [tothrd] => 7.03359 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 5.83396 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 1.29875 [pthrd] => 0.82962 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 66.7 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 77.8 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.51298 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.1157 [cm_aide] => 2.55741 [cm_lpn] => 0.97859 [cm_rn] => 0.74537 [cm_total] => 4.28136 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.74111 [adj_aide] => 3.46892 [adj_lpn] => 0.77162 [adj_rn] => 2.02858 [adj_total] => 6.26912 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 5.19987 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-07-20 [cycle_1_defs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 60 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 60 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-05-11 [cycle_2_defs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 4 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 4 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-06-08 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 28 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 36 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 2 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 4844.45 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 4327 NAKOMA RD,MADISON,WI,53711 [latitude] => 43.0398 [longitude] => -89.449 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 7 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.184531595348 [min_latitude] => 42.895068404652 [max_longitude] => -89.250976194883 [min_longitude] => -89.647023805117 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.40162898837 [min_latitude] => 42.67797101163 [max_longitude] => -88.953940487207 [min_longitude] => -89.944059512793 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 11 [count25] => 27 [rank10] => 2 [rank25] => 4 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c3c ) [provnum] => 525266 [provname] => Oak Park Nursing and Rehab Ctr [web] => oak-park-nursing-and-rehab-ctr [address] => 718 JUPITER DRIVE [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53718 [phone] => 6086638600 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 100 [restot] => 61.5 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => OAK PARK NURSING AND REHAB CENTER LLC [participation_date] => 1975-09-02 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => Y [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 5 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.95398 [vochrd] => 0.27392 [rnhrd] => 1.4752 [totlichrd] => 1.74912 [tothrd] => 4.7031 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 4.26266 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 1.04433 [pthrd] => 0.21003 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 47.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 47.8 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.29405 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.95426 [cm_aide] => 2.18734 [cm_lpn] => 0.83698 [cm_rn] => 0.63751 [cm_total] => 3.66183 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.19976 [adj_aide] => 3.07836 [adj_lpn] => 0.28546 [adj_rn] => 1.53732 [adj_total] => 4.90114 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 4.44215 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-07-16 [cycle_1_defs] => 10 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 52 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 52 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-04-17 [cycle_2_defs] => 7 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 28 [cycle_2_total_score] => 84 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-02-02 [cycle_3_defs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 24 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 24 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 58 [incident_cnt] => 2 [cmplnt_cnt] => 3 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 718 JUPITER DRIVE,MADISON,WI,53718 [latitude] => 43.0869 [longitude] => -89.282 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.231631595348 [min_latitude] => 42.942168404652 [max_longitude] => -89.083823999643 [min_longitude] => -89.480176000357 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.44872898837 [min_latitude] => 42.72507101163 [max_longitude] => -88.786559999108 [min_longitude] => -89.777440000892 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 8 [count25] => 29 [rank10] => 6 [rank25] => 14 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 1 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751ca7 ) [provnum] => 525445 [provname] => Columbus Health and Rehab [web] => columbus-health-and-rehab [address] => 825 WESTERN AVE [city] => COLUMBUS [state] => WI [zip] => 53925 [phone] => 9206232520 [county_ssa] => 100 [county_name] => Columbia [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 50 [restot] => 37.5 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => COLUMBUS OPERATOR LLC [participation_date] => 1989-11-01 [affiliatedentityname] => MISSION HEALTH COMMUNITIES [affiliatedentityid] => 354 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.3046 [vochrd] => 0.50763 [rnhrd] => 0.69365 [totlichrd] => 1.20128 [tothrd] => 3.50588 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.17187 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.44429 [pthrd] => 0.06629 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 37.1 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 71.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.43437 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.05773 [cm_aide] => 2.42452 [cm_lpn] => 0.92774 [cm_rn] => 0.70664 [cm_total] => 4.05889 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.54672 [adj_aide] => 2.1667 [adj_lpn] => 0.47726 [adj_rn] => 0.65215 [adj_total] => 3.2961 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.98208 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-03-07 [cycle_1_defs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 5 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 32 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 32 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-02-01 [cycle_2_defs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 16 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-11-10 [cycle_3_defs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 44 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 44 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 28.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 2 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 825 WESTERN AVE,COLUMBUS,WI,53925 [latitude] => 43.3337 [longitude] => -89.031 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -1 [durationOverallRating] => 21 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.478431595348 [min_latitude] => 43.188968404652 [max_longitude] => -88.832020464692 [min_longitude] => -89.229979535308 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.69552898837 [min_latitude] => 42.97187101163 [max_longitude] => -88.53355116173 [min_longitude] => -89.52844883827 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 1 [count25] => 26 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 8 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) ) [worst] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751cd8 ) [provnum] => 525520 [provname] => Dove Healthcare - Lodi [web] => dove-healthcare-lodi [address] => 700 CLARK ST [city] => LODI [state] => WI [zip] => 53555 [phone] => 6085923241 [county_ssa] => 100 [county_name] => Columbia [ownership] => For profit - Individual [bedcert] => 50 [restot] => 47.5 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => DIVINE REHABILITATION AND NURSING AT LODI LLC [participation_date] => 1992-12-16 [affiliatedentityname] => DOVE HEALTHCARE [affiliatedentityid] => 187 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Both [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 1 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 1 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.67583 [vochrd] => 0.51844 [rnhrd] => 0.56486 [totlichrd] => 1.0833 [tothrd] => 3.75913 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.47711 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.42977 [pthrd] => 0.02031 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 98.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 100 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 2 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.52757 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.12646 [cm_aide] => 2.58207 [cm_lpn] => 0.98802 [cm_rn] => 0.75255 [cm_total] => 4.32264 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.77719 [adj_aide] => 2.36222 [adj_lpn] => 0.45768 [adj_rn] => 0.49866 [adj_total] => 3.31855 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.06959 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-08-29 [cycle_1_defs] => 12 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 11 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 5 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 80 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 80 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-05-24 [cycle_2_defs] => 39 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 22 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 17 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 304 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 152 [cycle_2_total_score] => 456 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-29 [cycle_3_defs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 56 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 201.333 [incident_cnt] => 3 [cmplnt_cnt] => 9 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 5 [fine_tot] => 50314.64 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 6 [location] => 700 CLARK ST,LODI,WI,53555 [latitude] => 43.323 [longitude] => -89.523 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -2 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 23 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.467731595348 [min_latitude] => 43.178268404652 [max_longitude] => -89.324055513652 [min_longitude] => -89.721944486348 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.68482898837 [min_latitude] => 42.96117101163 [max_longitude] => -89.025638784131 [min_longitude] => -90.020361215869 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 2 [count25] => 22 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 19 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c41 ) [provnum] => 525276 [provname] => Ssm Health St Mary's Care Center [web] => ssm-health-st-mary-s-care-center [address] => 3401 MAPLE GROVE DR [city] => MADISON [state] => WI [zip] => 53719 [phone] => 6088451000 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 184 [restot] => 104.3 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => Y [lbn] => SSM HEALTH CARE OF WISCONSIN INC [participation_date] => 1977-01-01 [affiliatedentityname] => SSM HEALTH [affiliatedentityid] => 486 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 4 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 3.18012 [vochrd] => 0.45137 [rnhrd] => 1.04794 [totlichrd] => 1.49931 [tothrd] => 4.67944 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 4.38044 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.77249 [pthrd] => 0.0463 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 58 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 58.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.28554 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.94798 [cm_aide] => 2.17296 [cm_lpn] => 0.83148 [cm_rn] => 0.63332 [cm_total] => 3.63776 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.17872 [adj_aide] => 3.33597 [adj_lpn] => 0.47349 [adj_rn] => 1.0993 [adj_total] => 4.90875 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 4.59511 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-05-02 [cycle_1_defs] => 36 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 14 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 35 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 267 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 267 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-02-27 [cycle_2_defs] => 11 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 11 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 7 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 96 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 96 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-11-04 [cycle_3_defs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 0 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 0 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 165.5 [incident_cnt] => 6 [cmplnt_cnt] => 19 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 33257.25 [payden_cnt] => 2 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 4 [location] => 3401 MAPLE GROVE DR,MADISON,WI,53719 [latitude] => 43.0111 [longitude] => -89.499 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -1 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.155831595348 [min_latitude] => 42.866368404652 [max_longitude] => -89.301068753696 [min_longitude] => -89.696931246304 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.37292898837 [min_latitude] => 42.64927101163 [max_longitude] => -89.00417188424 [min_longitude] => -89.99382811576 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 9 [count25] => 28 [rank10] => 6 [rank25] => 20 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 1 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c37 ) [provnum] => 525241 [provname] => Edgerton Care Center, Inc [web] => edgerton-care-center-inc [address] => 313 STOUGHTON RD [city] => EDGERTON [state] => WI [zip] => 53534 [phone] => 6088841330 [county_ssa] => 520 [county_name] => Rock [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 61 [restot] => 41.2 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => WISCONSIN ILLINOIS SENIOR HOUSING INC [participation_date] => 1971-05-11 [affiliatedentityname] => WISCONSIN ILLINOIS SENIOR HOUSING, INC. [affiliatedentityid] => 569 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 4 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.72118 [vochrd] => 0.536 [rnhrd] => 1.13347 [totlichrd] => 1.66947 [tothrd] => 4.39065 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.81405 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.87752 [pthrd] => 0.24289 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 60.8 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 60 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.36676 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.00787 [cm_aide] => 2.31024 [cm_lpn] => 0.88401 [cm_rn] => 0.67333 [cm_total] => 3.86758 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.37955 [adj_aide] => 2.6849 [adj_lpn] => 0.52886 [adj_rn] => 1.11836 [adj_total] => 4.33212 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.76321 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-03-28 [cycle_1_defs] => 17 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 15 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 104 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 104 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-01-25 [cycle_2_defs] => 28 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 21 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 28 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 413 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 413 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-09-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 6 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 2 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 123 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 123 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 210.167 [incident_cnt] => 6 [cmplnt_cnt] => 12 [infection_count] => 1 [fine_cnt] => 3 [fine_tot] => 182150.51 [payden_cnt] => 2 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 5 [location] => 313 STOUGHTON RD,EDGERTON,WI,53534 [latitude] => 42.8386 [longitude] => -89.078 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 2 [durationOverallRating] => 21 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 42.983331595348 [min_latitude] => 42.693868404652 [max_longitude] => -88.880622214998 [min_longitude] => -89.275377785002 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.20042898837 [min_latitude] => 42.47677101163 [max_longitude] => -88.584555537494 [min_longitude] => -89.571444462506 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 4 [count25] => 32 [rank10] => 4 [rank25] => 26 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c5b ) [provnum] => 525330 [provname] => Middleton Village Nursing and Rehab [web] => middleton-village-nursing-and-rehab [address] => 6201 ELMWOOD AVE [city] => MIDDLETON [state] => WI [zip] => 53562 [phone] => 6088318300 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 97 [restot] => 70.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => MIDDLETON VILLAGE NURSING AND REHAB LLC [participation_date] => 1982-12-03 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.37006 [vochrd] => 0.7834 [rnhrd] => 0.75907 [totlichrd] => 1.54247 [tothrd] => 3.91253 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.39954 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.58672 [pthrd] => 0.0399 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 76.1 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 75 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.62797 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.20049 [cm_aide] => 2.75176 [cm_lpn] => 1.05296 [cm_rn] => 0.80201 [cm_total] => 4.60673 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.02543 [adj_aide] => 1.96326 [adj_lpn] => 0.64894 [adj_rn] => 0.62878 [adj_total] => 3.24097 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.81604 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-10-26 [cycle_1_defs] => 35 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 18 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 21 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 204 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 204 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-08-18 [cycle_2_defs] => 20 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 14 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 164 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 164 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-05-06 [cycle_3_defs] => 31 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 15 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 16 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 453 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 227 [cycle_3_total_score] => 680 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 270 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 40 [infection_count] => 8 [fine_cnt] => 6 [fine_tot] => 146746.43 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 6 [location] => 6201 ELMWOOD AVE,MIDDLETON,WI,53562 [latitude] => 43.0897 [longitude] => -89.491 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 12 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.234431595348 [min_latitude] => 42.944968404652 [max_longitude] => -89.292814940357 [min_longitude] => -89.689185059643 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.45152898837 [min_latitude] => 42.72787101163 [max_longitude] => -88.995537350893 [min_longitude] => -89.986462649107 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 9 [count25] => 24 [rank10] => 8 [rank25] => 23 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751ce5 ) [provnum] => 525536 [provname] => Grace Healthcare of Oregon [web] => grace-healthcare-of-oregon [address] => 354 N MAIN ST [city] => OREGON [state] => WI [zip] => 53575 [phone] => 6088353535 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Individual [bedcert] => 30 [restot] => 10.3 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => OREGON HEALTHCARE LLC [participation_date] => 1994-05-01 [affiliatedentityname] => GRACE HEALTHCARE [affiliatedentityid] => 239 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => Y [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Partial [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 1 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 1 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 1 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => 12 [staffing_flag] => 6 [pt_staffing_flag] => 6 [aidhrd] => [vochrd] => [rnhrd] => [totlichrd] => [tothrd] => [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => [pthrd] => [totalnursingstaffturnover] => [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => 6 [registerednurseturnover] => [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => 6 [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => [cm_aide] => [cm_lpn] => [cm_rn] => [cm_total] => [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => [adj_aide] => [adj_lpn] => [adj_rn] => [adj_total] => [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-03-16 [cycle_1_defs] => 13 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 13 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 471 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 471 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2021-12-09 [cycle_2_defs] => 4 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 20 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 20 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2020-01-29 [cycle_3_defs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 56 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 251.5 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 3 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 4 [fine_tot] => 196201.78 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 5 [location] => 354 N MAIN ST,OREGON,WI,53575 [latitude] => 42.9312 [longitude] => -89.384 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 9 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.075931595348 [min_latitude] => 42.786468404652 [max_longitude] => -89.18632571871 [min_longitude] => -89.58167428129 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.29302898837 [min_latitude] => 42.56937101163 [max_longitude] => -88.889814296775 [min_longitude] => -89.878185703225 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 9 [count25] => 30 [rank10] => 9 [rank25] => 28 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751cd9 ) [provnum] => 525521 [provname] => Heartland Country Village [web] => heartland-country-village [address] => 634 CENTER ST [city] => BLACK EARTH [state] => WI [zip] => 53515 [phone] => 6087672572 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 50 [restot] => 24.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => TROUSDALE FOUNDATION, INC BENCHMARK HEALTHCARE OF DANE COUNTY [participation_date] => 1993-10-01 [affiliatedentityname] => TROUSDALE LIVING COMMUNITIES [affiliatedentityid] => 529 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.10188 [vochrd] => 0.49341 [rnhrd] => 0.95263 [totlichrd] => 1.44604 [tothrd] => 3.54791 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.24831 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.7437 [pthrd] => 0.03132 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 83.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 88.9 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 3 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.10654 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.81598 [cm_aide] => 1.87039 [cm_lpn] => 0.7157 [cm_rn] => 0.54513 [cm_total] => 3.13122 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 2.7361 [adj_aide] => 2.56156 [adj_lpn] => 0.60132 [adj_rn] => 1.16097 [adj_total] => 4.32385 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.95872 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-08-03 [cycle_1_defs] => 12 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 12 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 168 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 168 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-05-05 [cycle_2_defs] => 22 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 16 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 321 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 321 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-04-06 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 48 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 199 [incident_cnt] => 4 [cmplnt_cnt] => 10 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 4 [fine_tot] => 127981.85 [payden_cnt] => 2 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 6 [location] => 634 CENTER ST,BLACK EARTH,WI,53515 [latitude] => 43.1437 [longitude] => -89.747 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -1 [durationOverallRating] => 15 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.288431595348 [min_latitude] => 42.998968404652 [max_longitude] => -89.548639970668 [min_longitude] => -89.945360029332 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.50552898837 [min_latitude] => 42.78187101163 [max_longitude] => -89.25109992667 [min_longitude] => -90.24290007333 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 3 [count25] => 23 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 18 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c4e ) [provnum] => 525314 [provname] => Lake Mills Health Services [web] => lake-mills-health-services [address] => 901 MULBERRY ST [city] => LAKE MILLS [state] => WI [zip] => 53551 [phone] => 9206488344 [county_ssa] => 270 [county_name] => Jefferson [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 50 [restot] => 21.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => NSH LAKE MILLS LLC [participation_date] => 1981-07-14 [affiliatedentityname] => NORTH SHORE HEALTHCARE [affiliatedentityid] => 377 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 2 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.85273 [vochrd] => 0.19551 [rnhrd] => 1.29264 [totlichrd] => 1.48815 [tothrd] => 3.34088 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.0743 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 1.11238 [pthrd] => 0.03364 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 29.4 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 50 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.63366 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.20469 [cm_aide] => 2.76138 [cm_lpn] => 1.05664 [cm_rn] => 0.80482 [cm_total] => 4.62284 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.0395 [adj_aide] => 1.52937 [adj_lpn] => 0.16139 [adj_rn] => 1.06703 [adj_total] => 2.7578 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.53775 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-02-08 [cycle_1_defs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 28 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-10-17 [cycle_2_defs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 16 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-01 [cycle_3_defs] => 20 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 15 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 5 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 197 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 197 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 52.167 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 2 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 72956.92 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 3 [location] => 901 MULBERRY ST,LAKE MILLS,WI,53551 [latitude] => 43.0853 [longitude] => -88.902 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 9 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.230031595348 [min_latitude] => 42.940568404652 [max_longitude] => -88.703829175794 [min_longitude] => -89.100170824206 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.44712898837 [min_latitude] => 42.72347101163 [max_longitude] => -88.406572939485 [min_longitude] => -89.397427060515 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 2 [website] => [count10] => 3 [count25] => 25 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 12 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751d25 ) [provnum] => 525630 [provname] => New Glarus Home [web] => new-glarus-home [address] => 600 2ND AVE [city] => NEW GLARUS [state] => WI [zip] => 53574 [phone] => 6085272126 [county_ssa] => 220 [county_name] => Green [ownership] => Non profit - Church related [bedcert] => 87 [restot] => 70.6 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => NEW GLARUS HOME, INC [participation_date] => 1997-07-01 [affiliatedentityname] => [affiliatedentityid] => [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 2 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.42649 [vochrd] => 0.55499 [rnhrd] => 1.02691 [totlichrd] => 1.58189 [tothrd] => 4.00838 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.68088 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.83793 [pthrd] => 0.06404 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => 6 [registerednurseturnover] => [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => 6 [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.40964 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.03949 [cm_aide] => 2.38272 [cm_lpn] => 0.91174 [cm_rn] => 0.69445 [cm_total] => 3.98892 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.48557 [adj_aide] => 2.32132 [adj_lpn] => 0.53093 [adj_rn] => 0.9824 [adj_total] => 3.83465 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.52134 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-09-12 [cycle_1_defs] => 12 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 5 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 76 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 76 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-06-22 [cycle_2_defs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 147 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 147 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-04-08 [cycle_3_defs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 64 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 64 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 97.667 [incident_cnt] => 4 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 29979.11 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 600 2ND AVE,NEW GLARUS,WI,53574 [latitude] => 42.8181 [longitude] => -89.64 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 7 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 42.962831595348 [min_latitude] => 42.673368404652 [max_longitude] => -89.442687664188 [min_longitude] => -89.837312335812 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.17992898837 [min_latitude] => 42.45627101163 [max_longitude] => -89.146719160469 [min_longitude] => -90.133280839531 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 2 [website] => [count10] => 1 [count25] => 22 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 14 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751d47 ) [provnum] => 525681 [provname] => Nazareth Health and Rehab Center [web] => nazareth-health-and-rehab-center [address] => 814 JACKSON ST [city] => STOUGHTON [state] => WI [zip] => 53589 [phone] => 6088736448 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 99 [restot] => 70.4 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => COMPLETE CARE AT NAZARETH LLC [participation_date] => 2005-01-01 [affiliatedentityname] => COMPLETE CARE [affiliatedentityid] => 157 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 2 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.71191 [vochrd] => 0.78054 [rnhrd] => 0.69301 [totlichrd] => 1.47355 [tothrd] => 4.18547 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.49286 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.50014 [pthrd] => 0.07011 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 53.9 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 64.7 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.47061 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.08445 [cm_aide] => 2.48577 [cm_lpn] => 0.95118 [cm_rn] => 0.72449 [cm_total] => 4.16144 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.63632 [adj_aide] => 2.48681 [adj_lpn] => 0.71576 [adj_rn] => 0.63549 [adj_total] => 3.83806 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.20294 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-11-30 [cycle_1_defs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 56 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-09-13 [cycle_2_defs] => 10 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 7 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 112 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 112 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-01 [cycle_3_defs] => 9 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 48 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 73.333 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => 1 [fine_cnt] => 3 [fine_tot] => 18445.05 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 3 [location] => 814 JACKSON ST,STOUGHTON,WI,53589 [latitude] => 42.9204 [longitude] => -89.23 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 7 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.065131595348 [min_latitude] => 42.775668404652 [max_longitude] => -89.032360371754 [min_longitude] => -89.427639628246 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.28222898837 [min_latitude] => 42.55857101163 [max_longitude] => -88.735900929384 [min_longitude] => -89.724099070616 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 2 [website] => [count10] => 5 [count25] => 30 [rank10] => 2 [rank25] => 16 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a751c5c ) [provnum] => 525331 [provname] => Ingleside Manor [web] => ingleside-manor [address] => 407 N EIGHTH ST [city] => MOUNT HOREB [state] => WI [zip] => 53572 [phone] => 6084375511 [county_ssa] => 120 [county_name] => Dane [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 80 [restot] => 57 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => WISCONSIN ILLINOIS SENIOR HOUSING INC [participation_date] => 1983-04-07 [affiliatedentityname] => WISCONSIN ILLINOIS SENIOR HOUSING, INC. [affiliatedentityid] => 569 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => None [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 2 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 4 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.74331 [vochrd] => 0.47755 [rnhrd] => 1.03115 [totlichrd] => 1.50869 [tothrd] => 4.252 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.62542 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.70186 [pthrd] => 0.06759 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 49.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 26.7 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.41146 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.04083 [cm_aide] => 2.38579 [cm_lpn] => 0.91292 [cm_rn] => 0.69535 [cm_total] => 3.99406 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.49007 [adj_aide] => 2.62102 [adj_lpn] => 0.45626 [adj_rn] => 0.98518 [adj_total] => 4.06247 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.46381 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-07-11 [cycle_1_defs] => 16 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 15 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 140 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 140 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-03-30 [cycle_2_defs] => 12 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 88 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 88 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-12-01 [cycle_3_defs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 56 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 108.667 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 7 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 4 [fine_tot] => 44985.85 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 4 [location] => 407 N EIGHTH ST,MOUNT HOREB,WI,53572 [latitude] => 43.0166 [longitude] => -89.728 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 15 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.161331595348 [min_latitude] => 42.871868404652 [max_longitude] => -89.530051026494 [min_longitude] => -89.925948973506 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 43.37842898837 [min_latitude] => 42.65477101163 [max_longitude] => -89.233127566234 [min_longitude] => -90.222872433766 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 2 [website] => [count10] => 3 [count25] => 22 [rank10] => 2 [rank25] => 14 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) ) [homeCount] => 25 [week_ending] => 2024-10-20 [new] => Array ( ) [newBeds] => 0 [lost] => Array ( ) [lostBeds] => 0 [covidData] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-20 [weeklyNewCases] => 4 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1698 [allBeds] => 1868 [occupied] => 1243 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 2621 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-13 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1698 [allBeds] => 1868 [occupied] => 1243 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 2621 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-06 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1698 [allBeds] => 1868 [occupied] => 1243 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 2621 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-29 [weeklyNewCases] => 10 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1697 [allBeds] => 1580 [occupied] => 1140 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 10 [staffTotal] => 2621 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-22 [weeklyNewCases] => 6 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1692 [allBeds] => 1580 [occupied] => 1127 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 13 [staffTotal] => 2610 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-15 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1684 [allBeds] => 1580 [occupied] => 1124 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 12 [staffTotal] => 2596 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-08 [weeklyNewCases] => 13 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1679 [allBeds] => 1700 [occupied] => 1212 [hospital] => 3 [staffWeekly] => 6 [staffTotal] => 2581 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-01 [weeklyNewCases] => 23 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1668 [allBeds] => 1695 [occupied] => 1169 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 28 [staffTotal] => 2574 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-25 [weeklyNewCases] => 24 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1660 [allBeds] => 1745 [occupied] => 1196 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 25 [staffTotal] => 2547 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-18 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1658 [allBeds] => 1561 [occupied] => 1086 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 13 [staffTotal] => 2520 ) ) [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-11 [weeklyNewCases] => 15 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1654 [allBeds] => 1745 [occupied] => 1147 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 21 [staffTotal] => 2506 ) ) [11] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-04 [weeklyNewCases] => 7 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1651 [allBeds] => 1745 [occupied] => 1199 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 12 [staffTotal] => 2485 ) ) [12] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1646 [allBeds] => 1745 [occupied] => 1210 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 4 [staffTotal] => 2473 ) ) [13] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-21 [weeklyNewCases] => 7 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1640 [allBeds] => 1695 [occupied] => 1153 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 2468 ) ) [14] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 7 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1635 [allBeds] => 1681 [occupied] => 1150 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 6 [staffTotal] => 2457 ) ) [15] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 8 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1630 [allBeds] => 1742 [occupied] => 1194 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 11 [staffTotal] => 2452 ) ) [16] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-30 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1623 [allBeds] => 1790 [occupied] => 1248 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 2439 ) ) [17] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-23 [weeklyNewCases] => 14 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1613 [allBeds] => 1742 [occupied] => 1199 [hospital] => 3 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 2430 ) ) [18] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-16 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1610 [allBeds] => 1692 [occupied] => 1138 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 7 [staffTotal] => 2422 ) ) [19] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-09 [weeklyNewCases] => 10 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1602 [allBeds] => 1643 [occupied] => 1097 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 2415 ) ) [20] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-02 [weeklyNewCases] => 6 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1596 [allBeds] => 1610 [occupied] => 1072 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2406 ) ) [21] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-26 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1590 [allBeds] => 1742 [occupied] => 1152 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2401 ) ) [22] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-19 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1584 [allBeds] => 1823 [occupied] => 1242 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 2397 ) ) [23] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-12 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1579 [allBeds] => 1762 [occupied] => 1193 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2396 ) ) [24] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-05 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1570 [allBeds] => 1773 [occupied] => 1142 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2394 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1558 [allBeds] => 1823 [occupied] => 1223 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2392 ) ) [26] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-21 [weeklyNewCases] => 6 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1553 [allBeds] => 1823 [occupied] => 1215 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2390 ) ) [27] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1547 [allBeds] => 1823 [occupied] => 1219 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 2387 ) ) [28] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1536 [allBeds] => 1773 [occupied] => 1193 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 2386 ) ) [29] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-31 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1529 [allBeds] => 1823 [occupied] => 1235 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 2386 ) ) [30] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-24 [weeklyNewCases] => 4 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1525 [allBeds] => 1639 [occupied] => 1141 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 2379 ) ) [31] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-17 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1518 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1222 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 2378 ) ) [32] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-10 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1513 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1265 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 6 [staffTotal] => 2369 ) ) [33] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-25 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1503 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1285 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 7 [staffTotal] => 2352 ) ) [34] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-18 [weeklyNewCases] => 13 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1497 [allBeds] => 1821 [occupied] => 1279 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 2345 ) ) [35] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-11 [weeklyNewCases] => 28 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1493 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1250 [hospital] => 3 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 2333 ) ) [36] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-04 [weeklyNewCases] => 20 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1480 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1246 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 2318 ) ) [37] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 14 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1474 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1267 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 2303 ) ) [38] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 19 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1458 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1227 [hospital] => 3 [staffWeekly] => 22 [staffTotal] => 2264 ) ) [39] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 25 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1451 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1258 [hospital] => 4 [staffWeekly] => 20 [staffTotal] => 2242 ) ) [40] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-31 [weeklyNewCases] => 32 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1445 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1176 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 29 [staffTotal] => 2221 ) ) [41] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-24 [weeklyNewCases] => 24 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 1437 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1198 [hospital] => 4 [staffWeekly] => 29 [staffTotal] => 2190 ) ) [42] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-10 [weeklyNewCases] => 12 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1418 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1264 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 11 [staffTotal] => 2148 ) ) [43] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-03 [weeklyNewCases] => 15 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1413 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1276 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 19 [staffTotal] => 2137 ) ) [44] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-26 [weeklyNewCases] => 7 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1409 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1255 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 10 [staffTotal] => 2117 ) ) [45] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-19 [weeklyNewCases] => 8 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1407 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1247 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 2105 ) ) [46] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-05 [weeklyNewCases] => 10 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1397 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1232 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 12 [staffTotal] => 2077 ) ) [47] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-29 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1385 [allBeds] => 1772 [occupied] => 1222 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 5 [staffTotal] => 2064 ) ) [48] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-22 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1383 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1249 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 12 [staffTotal] => 2058 ) ) [49] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-15 [weeklyNewCases] => 21 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1377 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1239 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 23 [staffTotal] => 2046 ) ) [50] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-08 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1370 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1246 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 10 [staffTotal] => 2021 ) ) [51] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-01 [weeklyNewCases] => 9 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 1363 [allBeds] => 1822 [occupied] => 1243 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 2010 ) ) ) ) [abbr] => WI [state] => Wisconsin [city] => Madison )