Analysis of Weekly Covid Data for United States Nursing Homes

The United States does not have sufficient nursing home capacity and the problem is getting worse.


As we all know, Covid-19 disproportionately affects older populations and as such is a particular concern for skilled nursing facilities. In order to monitor the Covid infections in nursing homes, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (“CMS”) requires all nursing homes to report weekly on the number of Covid infections, hospitalizations, and deaths of nursing home patients and staff. Data is made available publicly two weeks after it is collected.

The Covid-19 dataset consists of weekly survey responses from nursing homes across the United States. For each nursing home, the following data points are collected on each US skilled nursing facility:

  • Number of new and total infections for residents and staff
  • Number of new and total deaths from Covid-19 for residents
  • Number of new and total deaths overall
  • Number of hospitalizations of residents with Covid-19
  • Number of available beds, and
  • Number of residents

Data on individual nursing homes can be found with the detailed nursing reports, just use this form.

This page summarizes the latest available data on Covid infections in US nursing homes.

Analysis of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

The chart below shows the total number of new cases reported weekly. While infections and hospitalizations appear to be increasing in recent weeks, the incidents are down significantly from the height of the pandemic in late 2020 and early 2021. Importantly, a rise in the number of infections and hospitalizations is not leading to a similarly steep rise in the number of COVID-19 deaths.

Hover over any of the data points to see the specific number.

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