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Search for Hospitals

What is NursingHomeDatabase Hospital Database?

The NursingHomeDatabase hospital database is primarily based on information provided by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ("CMS"). The database includes detailed reports on 5,450 hospitals in the United States. The data is updated quarterly. Customized spreadsheets or api's are available.

The NursingHomeDatabase hospital search form allows you to search for hospitals in multiple ways, search by full or partial name, city, state, zip code, and type.

The NursingHomeDatabase hospital database is typically updated quarterly with the latest results being presented online. Detailed hospital pages give you access to ratings, patient surveys, infection rates, rates of death and complication, lists of affiliated medical profesionals, and comparisons to other nearby hospitals.

How to Choose the Right Hospital, Hospital Ratings and Surveys

You don't always have a choice when deciding which hospital to go to. In an emergency, more often than not, you will go to the nearest hospital. But not all hospitals are the same. If you have a cronic condition that requires multiple hospital visits or if you want to be prepared ahead of time, we want to help. We've tried to pull together as much information as we can find to help you with your search. Here are a few ideas:

  • Check the Ratings. Hospitals in the same area may be rated very differently. We will show you which hospitals have the highest ratings.
  • Consider Patient Surveys. Through the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems ("HCAHPS"), hospital patients are continuously surveyed about their experience in depth. One of the more important questions that is asked is whether the patient would recommend the hospital to others. We put those results up on front on the hospital detail page. Look closely to see if your hospital is being recommended or not.
  • Consider geography. People will often discount how important it is to find medical professionals that are nearby. You are much more likely to go to someone if they are easy to get to rather than far away.
  • Know yourself. Hospitals come in various sizes. Are you most comfortable at a large hospital with lots of affiliated medical professionals or a smaller hospital where it may be easier to find parking and walk to your destination. It's not much fun if you have trouble walking or you are pushing someone else in a wheelchair if you have to go across skywalks and in multiple elevators.

Healthcare Search Options

Make informed decisions about your healthcare options

Our site is designed to help you find the information you need quickly and easily, no matter what type of healthcare provider you're looking for. We provide a wealth of statistics and data that can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare options.


Home Healthcare

Nursing Homes

Owners & Operators



Doctor Groups



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We can provide custom data reports based on our database of skilled nursing facilities. Anything from emails to spreadsheets to an API. Bring the data directly into Salesforce or any other CRM.

  • Facility Name
  • Owner Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Information
  • Phone Numbers
  • Website Addresses
  • File Formats: .xls, .csv, .txt
  • APIs

Reports updated monthly.

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