Healthcare Database Search

Make informed decisions about your healthcare options

Our site is designed to help you find the information you need quickly and easily. We provide a wealth of statistics and data that can help you make informed decisions about your healthcare options.


Home Healthcare

Nursing Homes

Owners & Operators



Doctor Groups



About Nursing Home Database

The database is a comprehensive collection of information about healthcare providers in the United States. We pull our data primarily from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), the federal agency that regulates and oversees healthcare providers in the United States.

Our database is updated regularly to ensure that we have the most current information available. We also use a variety of quality assurance measures to ensure the accuracy and completeness of our data. This means that you can trust the information you find on to be reliable and up to date.

Purchase a Marketing or Other Report from our Database

We can provide custom data reports based on our database of skilled nursing facilities. Anything from emails to spreadsheets to an API. Bring the data directly into Salesforce or any other CRM.

  • Facility Name
  • Owner Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Contact Information
  • Phone Numbers
  • Website Addresses
  • File Formats: .xls, .csv, .txt
  • APIs

Reports updated monthly.

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