Get our detailed analysis and review of CMS data for J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A..

Data is as of March 07, 2024.

  The Most Important Data about J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A.

In the briefest summary, J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. is a medical group with 2 professionals providing medical services at 1 locations. They cover 1 specialties.J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. is affiliated with 2 hospitals

National Provider Number (NPI):


   What is this page all about?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") compiles and distributes more than 17 tables of data on medical professionals on a sporadic basis. Some of the tables contain more than a million records which makes it very difficult to manage them. There is a lot of information to pour through when trying to understand J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A.. Luckily, we are here to help! I’ve put together this page to help you to get a better idea of what the J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. does, their affiliations and much more. (If you want to jump to a specific section of the review, here are the section headers: Ratings, Specialities Covered, Office Locations, Affiliations, and Other Physician Groups.)

   Specialties Covered by J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A.

J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. includes medical professionals from 1 specialties

Specialty Number

   Ratings for J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A.

When it comes to healthcare, patients want the best possible care and experience. Figuring this out and boiling it down to a few measures, can be difficult. The information below shows our best analysis. We review all of the the data from CMS. The information below summarizes the results of the most recent annual survey of health care providers called the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems or "CAHPS" as well as data used for the calculation of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System ("MIPS"). The most recent data for both of these datasets is calendar year 2021. According to the CMS website, the 2022 survey data is being finalized but they have not indicated when it will be publicly available.

CAHPS Survey Results

There is no information about the overall patient rating for J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A..

MIPS Measures

Measure Percent Compliance
Breast Cancer Screening 85%
Colorectal Cancer Screening 80%
Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults 92%
Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan 66%
Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization 97%
Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented 99%

   J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. Office Locations

1801 N LOOP W, HOUSTON, TX 77008 Map
( 713-862-4963)

   Hospitals Affiliated with J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A.

J. KEVIN GIGLIO M.D., P.A. professionals work with these hospitals:

   Other Physician Groups

This is a list of other physician groups that service the same geographic area. If you are not satisfied with your current doctor or group of doctors, these may be worth considering.