Array ( [dev] => [date] => DateTime Object ( [date] => 2024-10-01 00:00:00.000000 [timezone_type] => 3 [timezone] => UTC ) [title] => Healthcare information based on data provided by U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). [request] => [report] => geographic-analysis [other] => IN [other2] => chesterton [other3] => [results] => Array ( [population] => App\Models\Database\DBCities Object ( [table:protected] => Miscellaneous.cities [connection:protected] => mysql [primaryKey:protected] => IDcities [keyType:protected] => int [incrementing] => 1 [with:protected] => Array ( ) [withCount:protected] => Array ( ) [perPage:protected] => 15 [exists] => 1 [wasRecentlyCreated] => [attributes:protected] => Array ( [IDcities] => 19070 [City] => Chesterton [State] => IN [Country] => USA [Latitude] => 41.59970 [Longitude] => -87.05480 [created_at] => 2021-02-05 21:53:13 [updated_at] => 2021-02-05 22:39:21 [IDsimplemaps] => 1840009267 [County] => Porter [Population] => 14088 [max_latitude] => 42.32336 [min_latitude] => 40.87604 [max_longitude] => -86.08709 [min_longitude] => -88.02251 ) [original:protected] => Array ( [IDcities] => 19070 [City] => Chesterton [State] => IN [Country] => USA [Latitude] => 41.59970 [Longitude] => -87.05480 [created_at] => 2021-02-05 21:53:13 [updated_at] => 2021-02-05 22:39:21 [IDsimplemaps] => 1840009267 [County] => Porter [Population] => 14088 [max_latitude] => 42.32336 [min_latitude] => 40.87604 [max_longitude] => -86.08709 [min_longitude] => -88.02251 ) [changes:protected] => Array ( ) [casts:protected] => Array ( ) [dates:protected] => Array ( ) [dateFormat:protected] => [appends:protected] => Array ( ) [dispatchesEvents:protected] => Array ( ) [observables:protected] => Array ( ) [relations:protected] => Array ( ) [touches:protected] => Array ( ) [timestamps] => 1 [hidden:protected] => Array ( ) [visible:protected] => Array ( ) [fillable:protected] => Array ( ) [guarded:protected] => Array ( [0] => * ) ) [staffingAverages] => Array ( [city] => Array ( [rnhrd] => 0.55987722222222 [aidhrd] => 1.9978058333333 [vochrd] => 0.90458888888889 [tothrd] => 3.4622725 ) [state] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [aidhrd] => 2.23 [vochrd] => 0.78 [rnhrd] => 0.63404 [tothrd] => 3.6456 ) ) [nation] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [aidhrd] => 2.29 [vochrd] => 0.88 [rnhrd] => 0.66807 [tothrd] => 3.83737 ) ) ) [best] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f8c8 ) [provnum] => 155686 [provname] => Brickyard Healthcare - Knox Care Center [web] => brickyard-healthcare-knox-care-center [address] => 300 E CULVER RD [city] => KNOX [state] => IN [zip] => 46534 [phone] => 5747726248 [county_ssa] => 740 [county_name] => Starke [ownership] => For profit - Limited Liability company [bedcert] => 57 [restot] => 50.8 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HENDRICKS COUNTY HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 2000-12-29 [affiliatedentityname] => BRICKYARD HEALTHCARE [affiliatedentityid] => 90 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 5 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 5 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.02479 [vochrd] => 0.64463 [rnhrd] => 0.52654 [totlichrd] => 1.17117 [tothrd] => 3.19596 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.78591 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.39144 [pthrd] => 0.05986 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 32.6 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 57.1 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.43529 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.05841 [cm_aide] => 2.42607 [cm_lpn] => 0.92833 [cm_rn] => 0.70709 [cm_total] => 4.0615 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.54899 [adj_aide] => 1.90241 [adj_lpn] => 0.60567 [adj_rn] => 0.49472 [adj_total] => 3.0028 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.61754 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-06-28 [cycle_1_defs] => 3 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 12 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 12 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-09-08 [cycle_2_defs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 1 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 4 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 4 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-10-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 0 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 0 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 0 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 7.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 300 E CULVER RD,KNOX,IN,46534 [latitude] => 41.2881 [longitude] => -86.619 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 21 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.432831595348 [min_latitude] => 41.143368404652 [max_longitude] => -86.426384395772 [min_longitude] => -86.811615604228 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.64992898837 [min_latitude] => 40.92627101163 [max_longitude] => -86.137460989429 [min_longitude] => -87.100539010571 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 5 [website] => [count10] => 1 [count25] => 23 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 2 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f7f7 ) [provnum] => 155299 [provname] => Miller's Merry Manor [web] => miller-s-merry-manor [address] => 5909 LUTE RD [city] => PORTAGE [state] => IN [zip] => 46368 [phone] => 2197632273 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 66 [restot] => 48 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => JOHNSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1987-06-18 [affiliatedentityname] => MILLER'S MERRY MANOR [affiliatedentityid] => 352 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 5 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 5 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 4 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.95199 [vochrd] => 0.9445 [rnhrd] => 1.09865 [totlichrd] => 2.04314 [tothrd] => 3.99514 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.34473 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.57965 [pthrd] => 0.03803 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 55.4 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 18.2 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.49246 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.10057 [cm_aide] => 2.52271 [cm_lpn] => 0.96531 [cm_rn] => 0.73525 [cm_total] => 4.22328 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.69036 [adj_aide] => 1.76376 [adj_lpn] => 0.85342 [adj_rn] => 0.99271 [adj_total] => 3.60988 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.02219 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-02-01 [cycle_1_defs] => 2 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 2 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 8 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 8 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-12-08 [cycle_2_defs] => 2 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 2 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 8 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 8 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-09-17 [cycle_3_defs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 28 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 11.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 5909 LUTE RD,PORTAGE,IN,46368 [latitude] => 41.5578 [longitude] => -87.189 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 8 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.702531595348 [min_latitude] => 41.413068404652 [max_longitude] => -86.995582745772 [min_longitude] => -87.382417254228 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.91962898837 [min_latitude] => 41.19597101163 [max_longitude] => -86.70545686443 [min_longitude] => -87.67254313557 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 5 [website] => [count10] => 18 [count25] => 68 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 2 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f841 ) [provnum] => 155448 [provname] => Lowell Healthcare [web] => lowell-healthcare [address] => 710 MICHIGAN ST [city] => LOWELL [state] => IN [zip] => 46356 [phone] => 2196967791 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 86 [restot] => 75.6 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => THE HEALTH AND HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF MARION COUNTY [participation_date] => 1992-07-01 [affiliatedentityname] => AMERICAN SENIOR COMMUNITIES [affiliatedentityid] => 33 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 5 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 5 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.07098 [vochrd] => 0.89356 [rnhrd] => 0.55627 [totlichrd] => 1.44983 [tothrd] => 3.52082 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.7606 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.39932 [pthrd] => 0.02908 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 36.1 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 0 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.56306 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.15263 [cm_aide] => 2.64205 [cm_lpn] => 1.01098 [cm_rn] => 0.77004 [cm_total] => 4.42306 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.86493 [adj_aide] => 1.78675 [adj_lpn] => 0.77093 [adj_rn] => 0.47993 [adj_total] => 3.03761 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.38173 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-01-29 [cycle_1_defs] => 2 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 2 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 8 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 8 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-02-10 [cycle_2_defs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 20 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 20 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-10-28 [cycle_3_defs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 16 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 13.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 710 MICHIGAN ST,LOWELL,IN,46356 [latitude] => 41.2953 [longitude] => -87.417 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -1 [durationOverallRating] => 7 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.440031595348 [min_latitude] => 41.150568404652 [max_longitude] => -87.224363136382 [min_longitude] => -87.609636863618 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.65712898837 [min_latitude] => 40.93347101163 [max_longitude] => -86.935407840955 [min_longitude] => -87.898592159045 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 5 [website] => [count10] => 6 [count25] => 65 [rank10] => 1 [rank25] => 2 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f921 ) [provnum] => 155795 [provname] => Avalon Springs Health Campus [web] => avalon-springs-health-campus [address] => 2400 SILHAVY ROAD [city] => VALPARAISO [state] => IN [zip] => 46383 [phone] => 2194621778 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 61 [restot] => 55.3 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => Y [lbn] => HANCOCK REGIONAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 2012-04-20 [affiliatedentityname] => TRILOGY HEALTH SERVICES [affiliatedentityid] => 524 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.76068 [vochrd] => 0.6641 [rnhrd] => 0.88059 [totlichrd] => 1.5447 [tothrd] => 3.30538 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.74587 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.6205 [pthrd] => 0.02931 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 40.4 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 21.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.59959 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.17957 [cm_aide] => 2.7038 [cm_lpn] => 1.0346 [cm_rn] => 0.78803 [cm_total] => 4.52643 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.95526 [adj_aide] => 1.48435 [adj_lpn] => 0.55988 [adj_rn] => 0.74238 [adj_total] => 2.78661 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.31491 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-12-04 [cycle_1_defs] => 8 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 32 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 32 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-12-19 [cycle_2_defs] => 8 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 32 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 32 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-09-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 12 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 12 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 28.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 2400 SILHAVY ROAD,VALPARAISO,IN,46383 [latitude] => 41.4896 [longitude] => -87.027 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 3 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.634331595348 [min_latitude] => 41.344868404652 [max_longitude] => -86.83378649623 [min_longitude] => -87.22021350377 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.85142898837 [min_latitude] => 41.12777101163 [max_longitude] => -86.543966240575 [min_longitude] => -87.510033759425 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 10 [count25] => 37 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 5 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f790 ) [provnum] => 155137 [provname] => Brickyard Healthcare - Valparaiso Care Center [web] => brickyard-healthcare-valparaiso-care-center [address] => 251 STURDY RD [city] => VALPARAISO [state] => IN [zip] => 46383 [phone] => 2194626158 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 85 [restot] => 76.9 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HENDRICKS COUNTY HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1972-10-03 [affiliatedentityname] => BRICKYARD HEALTHCARE [affiliatedentityid] => 90 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 4 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 2 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 1 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.13223 [vochrd] => 0.8888 [rnhrd] => 0.73097 [totlichrd] => 1.61977 [tothrd] => 3.752 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.16706 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.42676 [pthrd] => 0.04946 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 50.7 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 41.7 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.42124 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.04805 [cm_aide] => 2.40233 [cm_lpn] => 0.91925 [cm_rn] => 0.70017 [cm_total] => 4.02175 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.51426 [adj_aide] => 2.02316 [adj_lpn] => 0.84333 [adj_rn] => 0.69358 [adj_total] => 3.56007 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.00506 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-12-15 [cycle_1_defs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 16 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-11-17 [cycle_2_defs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 16 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 16 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-30 [cycle_3_defs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 12 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 12 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 15.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 251 STURDY RD,VALPARAISO,IN,46383 [latitude] => 41.4598 [longitude] => -87.037 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 12 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.604531595348 [min_latitude] => 41.315068404652 [max_longitude] => -86.843875304474 [min_longitude] => -87.230124695526 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.82162898837 [min_latitude] => 41.09797101163 [max_longitude] => -86.554188261185 [min_longitude] => -87.519811738815 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 10 [count25] => 38 [rank10] => 2 [rank25] => 4 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f93a ) [provnum] => 155822 [provname] => Cedar Creek Health Campus [web] => cedar-creek-health-campus [address] => 18275 BURR STREET [city] => LOWELL [state] => IN [zip] => 46356 [phone] => 2196966750 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 58 [restot] => 55.1 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HANCOCK REGIONAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 2014-07-10 [affiliatedentityname] => TRILOGY HEALTH SERVICES [affiliatedentityid] => 524 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.73824 [vochrd] => 0.90973 [rnhrd] => 0.98756 [totlichrd] => 1.89729 [tothrd] => 3.63553 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.19096 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.84071 [pthrd] => 0.02278 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 41.2 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 27.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.53103 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.12901 [cm_aide] => 2.58791 [cm_lpn] => 0.99026 [cm_rn] => 0.75426 [cm_total] => 4.33243 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.78574 [adj_aide] => 1.53105 [adj_lpn] => 0.80129 [adj_rn] => 0.86985 [adj_total] => 3.20219 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.81061 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-05-03 [cycle_1_defs] => 8 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 48 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-05-22 [cycle_2_defs] => 7 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 40 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 40 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-03-07 [cycle_3_defs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 20 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 20 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 40.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 12340 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 18275 BURR STREET,LOWELL,IN,46356 [latitude] => 41.3007 [longitude] => -87.401 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => -1 [durationOverallRating] => 15 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.445431595348 [min_latitude] => 41.155968404652 [max_longitude] => -87.208347186763 [min_longitude] => -87.593652813237 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.66252898837 [min_latitude] => 40.93887101163 [max_longitude] => -86.919367966908 [min_longitude] => -87.882632033092 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 7 [count25] => 63 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 8 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f947 ) [provnum] => 155835 [provname] => Ignite Medical Resort Crown Point LLC [web] => ignite-medical-resort-crown-point-llc [address] => 1555 S MAIN STREET [city] => CROWN POINT [state] => IN [zip] => 46307 [phone] => 2193238700 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 68 [restot] => 62.9 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare [inhosp] => N [lbn] => IGNITE MEDICAL RESORT CROWN POINT LLC [participation_date] => 2015-07-13 [affiliatedentityname] => IGNITE MEDICAL RESORTS [affiliatedentityid] => 279 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => Y [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.30501 [vochrd] => 1.64228 [rnhrd] => 0.57583 [totlichrd] => 2.21811 [tothrd] => 4.52312 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 4.0794 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.5186 [pthrd] => 0.22039 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 77.8 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 70 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.72479 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.27189 [cm_aide] => 2.91542 [cm_lpn] => 1.11558 [cm_rn] => 0.84971 [cm_total] => 4.88072 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.26484 [adj_aide] => 1.80218 [adj_lpn] => 1.28403 [adj_rn] => 0.45022 [adj_total] => 3.53643 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.18951 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-04-05 [cycle_1_defs] => 9 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 4 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 5 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 48 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-03-27 [cycle_2_defs] => 6 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 24 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 24 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-12-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 20 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 20 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 35.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 6 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 11060.02 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 1555 S MAIN STREET,CROWN POINT,IN,46307 [latitude] => 41.3912 [longitude] => -87.364 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 1 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.535931595348 [min_latitude] => 41.246468404652 [max_longitude] => -87.171079234115 [min_longitude] => -87.556920765885 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.75302898837 [min_latitude] => 41.02937101163 [max_longitude] => -86.881698085288 [min_longitude] => -87.846301914712 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 13 [count25] => 82 [rank10] => 2 [rank25] => 5 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f804 ) [provnum] => 155331 [provname] => Life Care Center of Valparaiso [web] => life-care-center-of-valparaiso [address] => 3405 N CAMPBELL RD [city] => VALPARAISO [state] => IN [zip] => 46385 [phone] => 2194621023 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 110 [restot] => 92.6 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HENDRICKS COUNTY HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1989-03-27 [affiliatedentityname] => LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA [affiliatedentityid] => 311 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => None [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 4 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 3 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.94871 [vochrd] => 0.92823 [rnhrd] => 0.62859 [totlichrd] => 1.55682 [tothrd] => 3.50553 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.08156 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.3427 [pthrd] => 0.10816 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 24.2 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 15.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.45717 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.07454 [cm_aide] => 2.46305 [cm_lpn] => 0.94248 [cm_rn] => 0.71787 [cm_total] => 4.12341 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.60309 [adj_aide] => 1.80344 [adj_lpn] => 0.85903 [adj_rn] => 0.58174 [adj_total] => 3.24421 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.85184 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-10-25 [cycle_1_defs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 24 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 24 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-10-28 [cycle_2_defs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 48 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2020-02-28 [cycle_3_defs] => 11 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 64 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 64 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 38.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 2 [infection_count] => 2 [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 13000 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 3405 N CAMPBELL RD,VALPARAISO,IN,46385 [latitude] => 41.4992 [longitude] => -87.066 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 10 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.643931595348 [min_latitude] => 41.354468404652 [max_longitude] => -86.872757858331 [min_longitude] => -87.259242141669 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.86102898837 [min_latitude] => 41.13737101163 [max_longitude] => -86.582894645826 [min_longitude] => -87.549105354174 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 4 [website] => [count10] => 11 [count25] => 38 [rank10] => 4 [rank25] => 7 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f92a ) [provnum] => 155805 [provname] => Addison Pointe Health and Rehabilitation Center [web] => addison-pointe-health-rehabilitation-center [address] => 780 DICKINSON ROAD [city] => CHESTERTON [state] => IN [zip] => 46304 [phone] => 2199212200 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 100 [restot] => 94.5 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 2012-12-21 [affiliatedentityname] => TLC MANAGEMENT [affiliatedentityid] => 520 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 3 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.1266 [vochrd] => 0.87259 [rnhrd] => 0.66326 [totlichrd] => 1.53584 [tothrd] => 3.66244 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.9434 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.39242 [pthrd] => 0.05543 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 35.2 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 12.5 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.59166 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.17372 [cm_aide] => 2.6904 [cm_lpn] => 1.02948 [cm_rn] => 0.78413 [cm_total] => 4.50401 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.93566 [adj_aide] => 1.80176 [adj_lpn] => 0.7393 [adj_rn] => 0.56194 [adj_total] => 3.10301 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.4938 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-02-23 [cycle_1_defs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 28 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 28 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-01-13 [cycle_2_defs] => 13 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 56 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-10-18 [cycle_3_defs] => 14 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 14 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 0 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 64 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 64 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 43.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 0 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 19500 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 780 DICKINSON ROAD,CHESTERTON,IN,46304 [latitude] => 41.5933 [longitude] => -87.038 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => -1 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 2 [durationOverallRating] => 2 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.738031595348 [min_latitude] => 41.448568404652 [max_longitude] => -86.844476409243 [min_longitude] => -87.231523590757 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.95512898837 [min_latitude] => 41.23147101163 [max_longitude] => -86.554191023109 [min_longitude] => -87.521808976891 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 12 [count25] => 37 [rank10] => 6 [rank25] => 10 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f80e ) [provnum] => 155344 [provname] => Life Care Center of Michigan City [web] => life-care-center-of-michigan-city [address] => 802 US HIGHWAY 20 EAST [city] => MICHIGAN CITY [state] => IN [zip] => 46360 [phone] => 2198727251 [county_ssa] => 450 [county_name] => La Porte [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 120 [restot] => 86.4 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HENDRICKS COUNTY HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1989-11-18 [affiliatedentityname] => LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA [affiliatedentityid] => 311 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 3 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 5 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.00358 [vochrd] => 0.85569 [rnhrd] => 0.51274 [totlichrd] => 1.36843 [tothrd] => 3.37201 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.81948 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.37847 [pthrd] => 0.0818 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 58.9 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 33.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.41696 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.0449 [cm_aide] => 2.3951 [cm_lpn] => 0.91648 [cm_rn] => 0.69806 [cm_total] => 4.00965 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.50369 [adj_aide] => 1.90682 [adj_lpn] => 0.81437 [adj_rn] => 0.48798 [adj_total] => 3.20917 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.68333 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-06-14 [cycle_1_defs] => 7 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 3 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 36 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 36 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-04-28 [cycle_2_defs] => 15 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 2 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 76 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 76 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-05-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 11 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 44 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 44 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 50.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 13 [infection_count] => 1 [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 9750 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 802 US HIGHWAY 20 EAST,MICHIGAN CITY,IN,46360 [latitude] => 41.6805 [longitude] => -86.908 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.825231595348 [min_latitude] => 41.535768404652 [max_longitude] => -86.714214397641 [min_longitude] => -87.101785602359 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 42.04232898837 [min_latitude] => 41.31867101163 [max_longitude] => -86.423535994101 [min_longitude] => -87.392464005899 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 3 [website] => [count10] => 7 [count25] => 31 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 11 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) ) [worst] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f88b ) [provnum] => 155580 [provname] => Aperion Care Tolleston Park [web] => aperion-care-tolleston-park [address] => 2350 TAFT ST [city] => GARY [state] => IN [zip] => 46404 [phone] => 2199772600 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 180 [restot] => 132 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => MAJOR HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1995-10-25 [affiliatedentityname] => APERION CARE [affiliatedentityid] => 38 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 1 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 1 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 1 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.79127 [vochrd] => 0.81523 [rnhrd] => 0.23045 [totlichrd] => 1.04568 [tothrd] => 2.83695 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.45447 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.1419 [pthrd] => 0.04519 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 43.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 33.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 2 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.93381 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.42603 [cm_aide] => 3.26874 [cm_lpn] => 1.25078 [cm_rn] => 0.95269 [cm_total] => 5.4722 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.78169 [adj_aide] => 1.24914 [adj_lpn] => 0.5685 [adj_rn] => 0.1607 [adj_total] => 1.97834 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 1.71162 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-08-25 [cycle_1_defs] => 19 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 17 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 96 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 96 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-08-05 [cycle_2_defs] => 26 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 18 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 13 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 148 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 148 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-20 [cycle_3_defs] => 30 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 16 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 14 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 277 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 277 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 143.5 [incident_cnt] => 1 [cmplnt_cnt] => 38 [infection_count] => 2 [fine_cnt] => 4 [fine_tot] => 45327.5 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 4 [location] => 2350 TAFT ST,GARY,IN,46404 [latitude] => 41.5761 [longitude] => -87.366 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 103 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.720831595348 [min_latitude] => 41.431368404652 [max_longitude] => -87.172527953913 [min_longitude] => -87.559472046087 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.93792898837 [min_latitude] => 41.21427101163 [max_longitude] => -86.882319884782 [min_longitude] => -87.849680115218 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 18 [count25] => 122 [rank10] => 12 [rank25] => 64 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f836 ) [provnum] => 155423 [provname] => Hammond-Whiting Care Center [web] => hammond-whiting-care-center [address] => 1000 114TH ST [city] => WHITING [state] => IN [zip] => 46394 [phone] => 2196592770 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 80 [restot] => 65.6 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HENDRICKS COUNTY HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1991-12-09 [affiliatedentityname] => LIFE CARE CENTERS OF AMERICA [affiliatedentityid] => 311 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.22185 [vochrd] => 0.74066 [rnhrd] => 0.33253 [totlichrd] => 1.0732 [tothrd] => 3.29505 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.05706 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.20032 [pthrd] => 0.07909 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 61.3 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 80 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.42008 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.04719 [cm_aide] => 2.40037 [cm_lpn] => 0.9185 [cm_rn] => 0.6996 [cm_total] => 4.01847 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.5114 [adj_aide] => 2.10992 [adj_lpn] => 0.70335 [adj_rn] => 0.31578 [adj_total] => 3.12905 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.90304 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-12-01 [cycle_1_defs] => 10 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 10 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 48 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 48 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-10-25 [cycle_2_defs] => 23 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 16 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 14 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 116 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 116 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-07-30 [cycle_3_defs] => 16 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 64 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 64 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 73.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 25 [infection_count] => 2 [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 9750 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 1000 114TH ST,WHITING,IN,46394 [latitude] => 41.688 [longitude] => -87.504 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 11 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.832731595348 [min_latitude] => 41.543268404652 [max_longitude] => -87.310191808123 [min_longitude] => -87.697808191877 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 42.04982898837 [min_latitude] => 41.32617101163 [max_longitude] => -87.019479520309 [min_longitude] => -87.988520479691 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 33 [count25] => 208 [rank10] => 3 [rank25] => 60 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f8ab ) [provnum] => 155653 [provname] => Harbor Health and Rehab [web] => harbor-health-rehab [address] => 5025 MCCOOK AVE [city] => EAST CHICAGO [state] => IN [zip] => 46312 [phone] => 2193970380 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => Government - County [bedcert] => 106 [restot] => 58.7 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => MAJOR HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1998-09-01 [affiliatedentityname] => CASA CONSULTING [affiliatedentityid] => 695 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => SFF Candidate [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 2 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 2 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.57737 [vochrd] => 0.77013 [rnhrd] => 0.42061 [totlichrd] => 1.19074 [tothrd] => 2.76811 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.36153 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.33011 [pthrd] => 0.12144 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 76.1 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 61.5 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.44784 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.06766 [cm_aide] => 2.44729 [cm_lpn] => 0.93645 [cm_rn] => 0.71327 [cm_total] => 4.09701 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.58002 [adj_aide] => 1.46919 [adj_lpn] => 0.71731 [adj_rn] => 0.39177 [adj_total] => 2.57827 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.19957 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-08-09 [cycle_1_defs] => 22 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 19 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 108 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 0 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 108 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-07-28 [cycle_2_defs] => 34 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 26 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 13 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 196 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 98 [cycle_2_total_score] => 294 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-09-01 [cycle_3_defs] => 23 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 18 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 9 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 112 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 112 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 170.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 18 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 25342.85 [payden_cnt] => 2 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 4 [location] => 5025 MCCOOK AVE,EAST CHICAGO,IN,46312 [latitude] => 41.6224 [longitude] => -87.466 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 74 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.767131595348 [min_latitude] => 41.477668404652 [max_longitude] => -87.272389100539 [min_longitude] => -87.659610899461 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.98422898837 [min_latitude] => 41.26057101163 [max_longitude] => -86.981972751347 [min_longitude] => -87.950027248653 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 27 [count25] => 163 [rank10] => 16 [rank25] => 106 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f7da ) [provnum] => 155251 [provname] => The Waters of Hobart Skilled Nursing Facility [web] => waters-of-hobart-skilled-nursing-facility-the [address] => 2901 W 37TH AVE [city] => HOBART [state] => IN [zip] => 46342 [phone] => 2199422170 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Limited Liability company [bedcert] => 110 [restot] => 46.8 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => JOHNSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1985-04-11 [affiliatedentityname] => MILLER'S MERRY MANOR [affiliatedentityid] => 352 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 2 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 1 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.94616 [vochrd] => 1.03061 [rnhrd] => 0.35357 [totlichrd] => 1.38418 [tothrd] => 3.33034 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.88875 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.39614 [pthrd] => 0.03314 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 63.5 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 50 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 3 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.71608 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.26547 [cm_aide] => 2.90071 [cm_lpn] => 1.10995 [cm_rn] => 0.84542 [cm_total] => 4.85608 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.24331 [adj_aide] => 1.52934 [adj_lpn] => 0.80988 [adj_rn] => 0.27784 [adj_total] => 2.61706 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.27005 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-07-11 [cycle_1_defs] => 16 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 10 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 6 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 68 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 68 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-05-12 [cycle_2_defs] => 18 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 10 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 8 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 104 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 104 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-04-29 [cycle_3_defs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 7 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 24 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 24 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 72.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 1 [infection_count] => [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 2901 W 37TH AVE,HOBART,IN,46342 [latitude] => 41.551 [longitude] => -87.287 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 14 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.695731595348 [min_latitude] => 41.406268404652 [max_longitude] => -87.093603092654 [min_longitude] => -87.480396907346 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.91282898837 [min_latitude] => 41.18917101163 [max_longitude] => -86.803507731635 [min_longitude] => -87.770492268365 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 11 [count25] => 92 [rank10] => 4 [rank25] => 21 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f7bf ) [provnum] => 155218 [provname] => Great Lakes Healthcare Center [web] => great-lakes-healthcare-center [address] => 2300 GREAT LAKES DR [city] => DYER [state] => IN [zip] => 46311 [phone] => 2193223555 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 134 [restot] => 116.8 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => HANCOCK REGIONAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1983-08-10 [affiliatedentityname] => COMMUNICARE HEALTH [affiliatedentityid] => 153 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => SFF Candidate [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 5 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.79028 [vochrd] => 0.99374 [rnhrd] => 0.57578 [totlichrd] => 1.56952 [tothrd] => 3.3598 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.97234 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.41471 [pthrd] => 0.05169 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 57.5 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 44.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.72233 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.27008 [cm_aide] => 2.91127 [cm_lpn] => 1.11399 [cm_rn] => 0.8485 [cm_total] => 4.87377 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.25877 [adj_aide] => 1.40174 [adj_lpn] => 0.77807 [adj_rn] => 0.45082 [adj_total] => 2.63063 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.32726 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-01-12 [cycle_1_defs] => 25 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 12 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 14 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 116 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 116 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-12-21 [cycle_2_defs] => 34 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 22 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 18 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 192 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 96 [cycle_2_total_score] => 288 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-10-04 [cycle_3_defs] => 39 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 16 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 22 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 192 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 192 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 186 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 68 [infection_count] => 5 [fine_cnt] => 3 [fine_tot] => 32500 [payden_cnt] => 1 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 4 [location] => 2300 GREAT LAKES DR,DYER,IN,46311 [latitude] => 41.4914 [longitude] => -87.502 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.636131595348 [min_latitude] => 41.346668404652 [max_longitude] => -87.308781127683 [min_longitude] => -87.695218872317 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.85322898837 [min_latitude] => 41.12957101163 [max_longitude] => -87.018952819209 [min_longitude] => -87.985047180791 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 31 [count25] => 125 [rank10] => 24 [rank25] => 92 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f7c1 ) [provnum] => 155220 [provname] => Dyer Nursing and Rehabilitation Center [web] => dyer-nursing-and-rehabilitation-center [address] => 601 SHEFFIELD AVE [city] => DYER [state] => IN [zip] => 46311 [phone] => 2193222273 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 161 [restot] => 105.9 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => MAJOR HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1983-08-25 [affiliatedentityname] => CASA CONSULTING [affiliatedentityid] => 695 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => SFF Candidate [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 3 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 3 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.55725 [vochrd] => 0.84789 [rnhrd] => 0.49035 [totlichrd] => 1.33824 [tothrd] => 3.8955 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.25943 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.34227 [pthrd] => 0.05006 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 68.2 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 58.3 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => [administratorturnoverfootnote] => 6 [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.50711 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.11137 [cm_aide] => 2.54748 [cm_lpn] => 0.97479 [cm_rn] => 0.74247 [cm_total] => 4.26475 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.7266 [adj_aide] => 2.28819 [adj_lpn] => 0.75868 [adj_rn] => 0.43875 [adj_total] => 3.48562 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.91649 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-12-20 [cycle_1_defs] => 20 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 8 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 108 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 108 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-11-22 [cycle_2_defs] => 36 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 20 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 22 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 172 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 2 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 86 [cycle_2_total_score] => 258 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-09-02 [cycle_3_defs] => 40 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 20 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 18 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 283 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 283 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 187.167 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 43 [infection_count] => 3 [fine_cnt] => 5 [fine_tot] => 310631.88 [payden_cnt] => 2 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 7 [location] => 601 SHEFFIELD AVE,DYER,IN,46311 [latitude] => 41.521 [longitude] => -87.517 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 80 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.665731595348 [min_latitude] => 41.376268404652 [max_longitude] => -87.323692774737 [min_longitude] => -87.710307225263 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.88282898837 [min_latitude] => 41.15917101163 [max_longitude] => -87.033731936842 [min_longitude] => -88.000268063158 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 31 [count25] => 130 [rank10] => 27 [rank25] => 94 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f8a7 ) [provnum] => 155637 [provname] => Crown Point Christian Village [web] => crown-point-christian-village [address] => 6685 EAST 117TH AVENUE [city] => CROWN POINT [state] => IN [zip] => 46307 [phone] => 2196620642 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => Non profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 145 [restot] => 102 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => JACKSON COUNTY SCHNECK MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1997-12-01 [affiliatedentityname] => CHRISTIAN HORIZONS [affiliatedentityid] => 143 [ccrc_facil] => Y [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 2.15402 [vochrd] => 0.83887 [rnhrd] => 0.3328 [totlichrd] => 1.17167 [tothrd] => 3.32569 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.03131 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.17199 [pthrd] => 0.05685 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 69.5 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 68.4 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 5 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.27816 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 0.94254 [cm_aide] => 2.16047 [cm_lpn] => 0.8267 [cm_rn] => 0.62968 [cm_total] => 3.61686 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.16046 [adj_aide] => 2.27263 [adj_lpn] => 0.88507 [adj_rn] => 0.35112 [adj_total] => 3.50882 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 3.19823 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-03-22 [cycle_1_defs] => 20 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 12 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 104 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 104 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-04-24 [cycle_2_defs] => 13 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 12 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 88 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 88 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-03-21 [cycle_3_defs] => 8 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 6 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 32 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 32 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 86.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 5 [infection_count] => 1 [fine_cnt] => 2 [fine_tot] => 19500 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 2 [location] => 6685 EAST 117TH AVENUE,CROWN POINT,IN,46307 [latitude] => 41.4056 [longitude] => -87.257 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => -1 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 4 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.550331595348 [min_latitude] => 41.260868404652 [max_longitude] => -87.064036485382 [min_longitude] => -87.449963514618 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.76742898837 [min_latitude] => 41.04377101163 [max_longitude] => -86.774591213456 [min_longitude] => -87.739408786544 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 11 [count25] => 68 [rank10] => 6 [rank25] => 28 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f8ef ) [provnum] => 155733 [provname] => Colonial Nursing Home [web] => colonial-nursing-home [address] => 119 N INDIANA AVE [city] => CROWN POINT [state] => IN [zip] => 46307 [phone] => 2196632532 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 55 [restot] => 35.1 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => ADAMS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 2004-08-31 [affiliatedentityname] => IDE MANAGEMENT GROUP [affiliatedentityid] => 278 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 2 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 1 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 2 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 2 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.84944 [vochrd] => 0.85265 [rnhrd] => 0.79823 [totlichrd] => 1.65088 [tothrd] => 3.50031 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.05892 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.44576 [pthrd] => 0.14313 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 56.8 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 37.5 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.57708 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.16297 [cm_aide] => 2.66575 [cm_lpn] => 1.02005 [cm_rn] => 0.77694 [cm_total] => 4.46274 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.8996 [adj_aide] => 1.58143 [adj_lpn] => 0.72909 [adj_rn] => 0.68256 [adj_total] => 2.99307 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.61564 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2023-06-30 [cycle_1_defs] => 15 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 6 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 68 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 68 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2022-05-10 [cycle_2_defs] => 21 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 10 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 13 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 92 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 92 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2021-05-06 [cycle_3_defs] => 9 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 5 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 248 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 248 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 106 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 16 [infection_count] => 3 [fine_cnt] => 3 [fine_tot] => 28567.5 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 3 [location] => 119 N INDIANA AVE,CROWN POINT,IN,46307 [latitude] => 41.4182 [longitude] => -87.355 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 29 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.562931595348 [min_latitude] => 41.273468404652 [max_longitude] => -87.161999054695 [min_longitude] => -87.548000945305 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.78002898837 [min_latitude] => 41.05637101163 [max_longitude] => -86.872497636737 [min_longitude] => -87.837502363263 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 17 [count25] => 87 [rank10] => 11 [rank25] => 41 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f7d6 ) [provnum] => 155246 [provname] => Chesterton Manor [web] => chesterton-manor [address] => 110 BEVERLY DR [city] => CHESTERTON [state] => IN [zip] => 46304 [phone] => 2199268387 [county_ssa] => 630 [county_name] => Porter [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 100 [restot] => 68.6 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare and Medicaid [inhosp] => N [lbn] => ADAMS COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL [participation_date] => 1985-01-30 [affiliatedentityname] => IDE MANAGEMENT GROUP [affiliatedentityid] => 278 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => N [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 2 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 3 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 5 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.73274 [vochrd] => 0.76294 [rnhrd] => 0.38968 [totlichrd] => 1.15262 [tothrd] => 2.88535 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 2.51281 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.25929 [pthrd] => 0.07086 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 69.6 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 75 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 0 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.53848 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.1345 [cm_aide] => 2.6005 [cm_lpn] => 0.99508 [cm_rn] => 0.75793 [cm_total] => 4.3535 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 3.80415 [adj_aide] => 1.51881 [adj_lpn] => 0.66875 [adj_rn] => 0.34157 [adj_total] => 2.52913 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.20258 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-02-12 [cycle_1_defs] => 9 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 9 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 1 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 56 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 56 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-03-24 [cycle_2_defs] => 13 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 10 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 3 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 60 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 60 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2022-02-28 [cycle_3_defs] => 16 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 12 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 4 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 80 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 80 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 61.333 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 8 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 1 [fine_tot] => 9750 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 1 [location] => 110 BEVERLY DR,CHESTERTON,IN,46304 [latitude] => 41.5959 [longitude] => -87.05 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => -1 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => -1 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 1 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.740631595348 [min_latitude] => 41.451168404652 [max_longitude] => -86.8564686137 [min_longitude] => -87.2435313863 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.95772898837 [min_latitude] => 41.23407101163 [max_longitude] => -86.56617153425 [min_longitude] => -87.53382846575 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 12 [count25] => 36 [rank10] => 9 [rank25] => 16 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 67229947d55c337c9a74f94c ) [provnum] => 155840 [provname] => Ignite Medical Resort Dyer LLC. [web] => ignite-medical-resort-dyer-llc [address] => 1532 CALUMET AVENUE [city] => DYER [state] => IN [zip] => 46311 [phone] => 2195154700 [county_ssa] => 440 [county_name] => Lake [ownership] => For profit - Corporation [bedcert] => 100 [restot] => 94 [restot_fn] => [certification] => Medicare [inhosp] => N [lbn] => IGNITE MEDICAL RESORT DYER LLC [participation_date] => 2015-10-06 [affiliatedentityname] => IGNITE MEDICAL RESORTS [affiliatedentityid] => 279 [ccrc_facil] => N [sffstatus] => [abuse_icon] => N [oldsurvey] => N [chow_last_12mos] => Y [resfamcouncil] => Resident [sprinkler_status] => Yes [overall_rating] => 1 [overall_rating_fn] => [survey_rating] => 1 [survey_rating_fn] => [quality_rating] => 4 [quality_rating_fn] => [ls_quality_rating] => 4 [ls_quality_rating_fn] => [ss_quality_rating] => 4 [ss_quality_rating_fn] => [staffing_rating] => 1 [staffing_rating_fn] => [staffing_flag] => [pt_staffing_flag] => [aidhrd] => 1.91197 [vochrd] => 1.62628 [rnhrd] => 0.47108 [totlichrd] => 2.09736 [tothrd] => 4.00933 [totalnumberofnursestaffhoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 3.68369 [registerednursehoursperresidentperdayontheweekend] => 0.30006 [pthrd] => 0.21251 [totalnursingstaffturnover] => 55.4 [totalnursingstaffturnoverfootnote] => [registerednurseturnover] => 77.8 [registerednurseturnoverfootnote] => [numberofadministratorswhohaveleftthenursinghome] => 1 [administratorturnoverfootnote] => [nursingcase-mixindex] => 1.72455 [nursingcase-mixindexratio] => 1.27171 [cm_aide] => 2.91501 [cm_lpn] => 1.11542 [cm_rn] => 0.84959 [cm_total] => 4.88003 [nursingcase-mix-weekend] => 4.26423 [adj_aide] => 1.4951 [adj_lpn] => 1.2717 [adj_rn] => 0.36837 [adj_total] => 3.13517 [adjustedweekendtotalnursestaffinghoursperresidentperday] => 2.88053 [cycle_1_survey_date] => 2024-03-11 [cycle_1_defs] => 28 [cycle_1_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_1_nfromcomp] => 17 [cycle_1_defs_score] => 124 [cycle_1_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_1_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_1_total_score] => 124 [cycle_2_survey_date] => 2023-02-03 [cycle_2_defs] => 18 [cycle_2_nfromdefs] => 13 [cycle_2_nfromcomp] => 9 [cycle_2_defs_score] => 84 [cycle_2_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_2_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_2_total_score] => 84 [cycle_3_survey_date] => 2020-02-05 [cycle_3_defs] => 28 [cycle_3_nfromdefs] => 15 [cycle_3_nfromcomp] => 13 [cycle_3_defs_score] => 136 [cycle_3_numrevis] => 1 [cycle_3_revisit_score] => 0 [cycle_3_total_score] => 136 [weighted_all_cycles_score] => 112.667 [incident_cnt] => 0 [cmplnt_cnt] => 31 [infection_count] => 0 [fine_cnt] => 0 [fine_tot] => 0 [payden_cnt] => 0 [tot_penlty_cnt] => 0 [location] => 1532 CALUMET AVENUE,DYER,IN,46311 [latitude] => 41.5048 [longitude] => -87.509 [geocodingfootnote] => [filedate] => 2024-10-01 [timestamp] => 1727740800 [recordDate] => MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime Object ( [milliseconds] => 1727740800000 ) [change_overall_rating] => 0 [change_survey_rating] => 0 [change_quality_rating] => 0 [change_staffing_rating] => 0 [durationOverallRating] => 26 [searchArea] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.649531595348 [min_latitude] => 41.360068404652 [max_longitude] => -87.315741146463 [min_longitude] => -87.702258853537 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [max_latitude] => 41.86662898837 [min_latitude] => 41.14297101163 [max_longitude] => -87.025852866157 [min_longitude] => -87.992147133843 ) ) ) ) [overallRatingNumber] => 1 [website] => [count10] => 31 [count25] => 129 [rank10] => 15 [rank25] => 64 [worstNation] => 0 [bestNation] => 0 [worstState] => 0 [worstCity] => 0 [bestState] => 0 [bestCity] => 0 ) ) ) [homeCount] => 36 [week_ending] => 2024-10-20 [new] => Array ( ) [newBeds] => 0 [lost] => Array ( ) [lostBeds] => 0 [covidData] => Array ( [0] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-20 [weeklyNewCases] => 4 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3707 [allBeds] => 4110 [occupied] => 3159 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4715 ) ) [1] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-13 [weeklyNewCases] => 7 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3707 [allBeds] => 4110 [occupied] => 3159 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4715 ) ) [2] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-10-06 [weeklyNewCases] => 27 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3707 [allBeds] => 4110 [occupied] => 3159 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4715 ) ) [3] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-29 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3702 [allBeds] => 3767 [occupied] => 2972 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 3 [staffTotal] => 4705 ) ) [4] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-22 [weeklyNewCases] => 18 [weeklyDeaths] => 2 [totalDeaths] => 3694 [allBeds] => 3992 [occupied] => 3101 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 7 [staffTotal] => 4696 ) ) [5] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-15 [weeklyNewCases] => 23 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3677 [allBeds] => 3908 [occupied] => 3023 [hospital] => 4 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 4689 ) ) [6] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-08 [weeklyNewCases] => 20 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3664 [allBeds] => 3767 [occupied] => 2909 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 6 [staffTotal] => 4671 ) ) [7] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-09-01 [weeklyNewCases] => 6 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3651 [allBeds] => 3673 [occupied] => 2845 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 4663 ) ) [8] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-25 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3639 [allBeds] => 3968 [occupied] => 3076 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4653 ) ) [9] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-18 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3615 [allBeds] => 3966 [occupied] => 3083 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 4637 ) ) [10] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-11 [weeklyNewCases] => 10 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3607 [allBeds] => 4060 [occupied] => 3148 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 10 [staffTotal] => 4618 ) ) [11] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-08-04 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3593 [allBeds] => 4060 [occupied] => 3177 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 3 [staffTotal] => 4604 ) ) [12] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 33 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3584 [allBeds] => 3661 [occupied] => 2888 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 18 [staffTotal] => 4601 ) ) [13] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-21 [weeklyNewCases] => 28 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3567 [allBeds] => 3723 [occupied] => 2936 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 15 [staffTotal] => 4581 ) ) [14] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3563 [allBeds] => 3854 [occupied] => 3033 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4557 ) ) [15] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-07-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 4 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3543 [allBeds] => 3750 [occupied] => 2989 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4556 ) ) [16] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-30 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3534 [allBeds] => 3975 [occupied] => 3158 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4554 ) ) [17] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-23 [weeklyNewCases] => 6 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3524 [allBeds] => 3750 [occupied] => 2965 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4553 ) ) [18] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-16 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3511 [allBeds] => 3645 [occupied] => 2884 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4552 ) ) [19] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-09 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3496 [allBeds] => 3729 [occupied] => 2948 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4549 ) ) [20] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-06-02 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3487 [allBeds] => 3656 [occupied] => 2869 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4548 ) ) [21] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-26 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3475 [allBeds] => 3640 [occupied] => 2871 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4548 ) ) [22] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-19 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3468 [allBeds] => 3740 [occupied] => 2929 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4546 ) ) [23] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-12 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3461 [allBeds] => 3965 [occupied] => 3081 [hospital] => 4 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4546 ) ) [24] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-05-05 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3454 [allBeds] => 4059 [occupied] => 3085 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 0 [staffTotal] => 4546 ) ) [25] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3449 [allBeds] => 4059 [occupied] => 3082 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4546 ) ) [26] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-21 [weeklyNewCases] => 15 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3440 [allBeds] => 3965 [occupied] => 3038 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 4 [staffTotal] => 4543 ) ) [27] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 4 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3426 [allBeds] => 3965 [occupied] => 3021 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 4 [staffTotal] => 4539 ) ) [28] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-04-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3419 [allBeds] => 3965 [occupied] => 3084 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4535 ) ) [29] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-31 [weeklyNewCases] => 14 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3403 [allBeds] => 3975 [occupied] => 3097 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4497 ) ) [30] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-24 [weeklyNewCases] => 31 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3387 [allBeds] => 3965 [occupied] => 3041 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 4495 ) ) [31] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-17 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3375 [allBeds] => 3855 [occupied] => 2969 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 1 [staffTotal] => 4485 ) ) [32] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-03-10 [weeklyNewCases] => 0 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3366 [allBeds] => 3949 [occupied] => 3115 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 4 [staffTotal] => 4484 ) ) [33] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-25 [weeklyNewCases] => 5 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3336 [allBeds] => 3949 [occupied] => 3137 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 7 [staffTotal] => 4443 ) ) [34] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-18 [weeklyNewCases] => 9 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3324 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3167 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 4436 ) ) [35] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-11 [weeklyNewCases] => 65 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3311 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3166 [hospital] => 5 [staffWeekly] => 37 [staffTotal] => 4427 ) ) [36] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-02-04 [weeklyNewCases] => 14 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3302 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3186 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 10 [staffTotal] => 4390 ) ) [37] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-28 [weeklyNewCases] => 1 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3292 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3192 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 2 [staffTotal] => 4373 ) ) [38] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-14 [weeklyNewCases] => 20 [weeklyDeaths] => 2 [totalDeaths] => 3276 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3147 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 11 [staffTotal] => 4354 ) ) [39] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2024-01-07 [weeklyNewCases] => 35 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3258 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3126 [hospital] => 3 [staffWeekly] => 29 [staffTotal] => 4310 ) ) [40] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-31 [weeklyNewCases] => 18 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3245 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3118 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 17 [staffTotal] => 4279 ) ) [41] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-24 [weeklyNewCases] => 27 [weeklyDeaths] => 4 [totalDeaths] => 3229 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3108 [hospital] => 2 [staffWeekly] => 24 [staffTotal] => 4244 ) ) [42] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-10 [weeklyNewCases] => 37 [weeklyDeaths] => 3 [totalDeaths] => 3202 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3090 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 24 [staffTotal] => 4186 ) ) [43] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-12-03 [weeklyNewCases] => 24 [weeklyDeaths] => 1 [totalDeaths] => 3185 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3065 [hospital] => 5 [staffWeekly] => 18 [staffTotal] => 4142 ) ) [44] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-26 [weeklyNewCases] => 72 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3166 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3090 [hospital] => 5 [staffWeekly] => 29 [staffTotal] => 4160 ) ) [45] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-19 [weeklyNewCases] => 44 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3155 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3104 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 23 [staffTotal] => 4117 ) ) [46] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-11-05 [weeklyNewCases] => 29 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3123 [allBeds] => 3872 [occupied] => 2999 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 9 [staffTotal] => 4024 ) ) [47] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-29 [weeklyNewCases] => 8 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3114 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3081 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 5 [staffTotal] => 4014 ) ) [48] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-22 [weeklyNewCases] => 2 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3098 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 2960 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 4 [staffTotal] => 4011 ) ) [49] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-15 [weeklyNewCases] => 9 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3090 [allBeds] => 3872 [occupied] => 3004 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 5 [staffTotal] => 4005 ) ) [50] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-08 [weeklyNewCases] => 3 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3079 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3096 [hospital] => 1 [staffWeekly] => 6 [staffTotal] => 3998 ) ) [51] => MongoDB\Model\BSONDocument Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [_id] => 2023-10-01 [weeklyNewCases] => 14 [weeklyDeaths] => 0 [totalDeaths] => 3078 [allBeds] => 4061 [occupied] => 3080 [hospital] => 0 [staffWeekly] => 8 [staffTotal] => 3992 ) ) ) ) [abbr] => IN [state] => Indiana [city] => Chesterton )