Monitor Your Nursing Home

Last month we quietly launched a new feature allowing people to “monitor” a specific senior care facilities. We did this by adding a button below the page heading entitled “Subscribe to Updates to the Facility”. Now we’ve sent out the first emails to our “subscribers”.

I thought I should say something about what we mean by monitor or subscribe. The facility records that are shown on our website are updated from time to time. For nursing homes, this happens monthly. (We’re still trying to determine how regularly other CMS records are updated.) When that happens we retrieve the updated records and go through an extensive process of bringing in the new data. Part of the work that is done is to compare the new record to the prior record. Did the nursing home’s five star rating change? Did the rating score change? What about the number of infections at the facility? We show this information on the website, and now this information, along with a list of newly added deficiencies, is also being sent out to the subscribers.

This makes it very easy for someone to stay up to date and know right away about what is happening with a nursing home or other healthcare facility that you are concerned with.

We plan to continue to improve on this reporting tool as we find more information or comparisons that we see as important.