
What Home Health Care is Covered by Medicare

If you have read any of my blog entries, you will see that I like home health care. I think taking care of patients in their home is generally a better and less expensive way to deliver needed care. Patients are more relaxed at home and having care come to […]


Where’s the Ownership Data?

On September 26, 2022, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid issued a press release stating that they were making more Nursing Home Data publicly available: see here. According to the release: “This data will, for the first time, give… the public an enhanced ability to identify common owners of nursing […]


What Home Health Care Does

What Home Health Care Does General Services Home health care agencies provide services that help individuals maintain their health and well-being in their own homes. These services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual and are often used to supplement the care provided by family members. […]


Hospice Care is Different than Regular Health Care

Hospice is Not About Improving but About Feeling Comfortable  Hospice care differs significantly from the type of care that we typically think of for health care. First and foremost, hospice care is palliative care.  That means that the focus is on providing comfort and support, making the patient feel comfortable.  […]


More than Nursing Homes

There’s a lot of data out there and a lot of it is coming from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). We’re committed to making sure that you have access to all the data you need, and we’re constantly working to cover more ground. In this blog post, […]


Here We Are Again

After more than a year’s effort and a considerable amount of money spent on SEO experts, we are now redirecting everything from seniorcaredata.com back to nursinghomedatabase.com.  The simple explanation for this is Google’s algorithm did not like the change. I’ve covered the back story about why we decided to change […]


A new domain…

tl;dr: We have launched a new domain (seniorcaredata.com) which will allow us to delve into many other datasets that CMS and others publish. When we first put together the pages for this site, we wanted to answer one simple question: what did all of this data from CMS mean? We […]


Inspection Risk Continues for Nursing Homes

CMS just updated their data for nursing homes today and unfortunately the average lag time between nursing home inspections continues to rise. As I noted last month, the average time between inspections has risen significantly during the Covid pandemic. For several months, CMS did not report an inspections. For the […]


Monitor Your Nursing Home

Last month we quietly launched a new feature allowing people to “monitor” a specific senior care facilities. We did this by adding a button below the page heading entitled “Subscribe to Updates to the Facility”. Now we’ve sent out the first emails to our “subscribers”. I thought I should say […]