• Date Updated: January 31, 2024
  • Address: 1700 COFFEE RD, MODESTO, CA 95355
  • Phone (209) 526-4500
  • Type Acute Care Hospitals
  • Ownership Voluntary non-profit - Private
  • Overall Rating
  • Perc. Patients Recommending 70%


MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER is a Acute Care Hospitals. It is in MODESTO, CA. Its type of ownership is Voluntary non-profit - Private. The facility's Medicare ID is 50557. It does provide emergency services. There are 568 medical professionals and 152 doctor groups affiliated with the hospital. On average at MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER, emergency patients were charged $24,461. This is lower than the state average of $26,501. It is also lower than the national average of $25,828.

Patient Survey Results

Below is information compiled by CMS on the percentage of patients who respond to specific treatments and a comparison of the results for MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER to the national results for similar facilities.

Survey Question Response
Patients who reported that their nurses "Always" communicated well 72 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Sometimes" or "Never" communicated well 7 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Usually" communicated well 21 %
Nurse communication - linear mean score Not Applicable
Nurse communication - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that their nurses "Always" treated them with courtesy and respect 79 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Sometimes" or "Never" treated them with courtesy and respect 4 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Usually" treated them with courtesy and respect 17 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Always" listened carefully to them 68 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Sometimes" or "Never" listened carefully to them 7 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Usually" listened carefully to them 25 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Always" explained things in a way they could understand 68 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Sometimes" or "Never" explained things in a way they could understand 8 %
Patients who reported that their nurses "Usually" explained things in a way they could understand 24 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Always" communicated well 73 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Sometimes" or "Never" communicated well 7 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Usually" communicated well 20 %
Doctor communication - linear mean score Not Applicable
Doctor communication - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that their doctors "Always" treated them with courtesy and respect 80 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Sometimes" or "Never" treated them with courtesy and respect 5 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Usually" treated them with courtesy and respect 15 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Always" listened carefully to them 70 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Sometimes" or "Never" listened carefully to them 8 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Usually" listened carefully to them 22 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Always" explained things in a way they could understand 69 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Sometimes" or "Never" explained things in a way they could understand 9 %
Patients who reported that their doctors "Usually" explained things in a way they could understand 22 %
Patients who reported that they "Always" received help as soon as they wanted 54 %
Patients who reported that they "Sometimes" or "Never" received help as soon as they wanted 14 %
Patients who reported that they "Usually" received help as soon as they wanted 32 %
Staff responsiveness - linear mean score Not Applicable
Staff responsiveness - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that they "Always" received help after using the call button as soon as they wanted 52 %
Patients who reported that they "Sometimes" or "Never" received help after using the call button as soon as they wanted 13 %
Patients who reported that they "Usually" received help after using the call button as soon as they wanted 35 %
Patients who reported that they "Always" received bathroom help as soon as they wanted 56 %
Patients who reported that they "Sometimes" or "Never" received bathroom help as soon as they wanted 14 %
Patients who reported that they "Usually" received bathroom help as soon as they wanted 30 %
Patients who reported that staff "Always" explained about medicines before giving it to them 60 %
Patients who reported that staff "Sometimes" or "Never" explained about medicines before giving it to them 22 %
Patients who reported that staff "Usually" explained about medicines before giving it to them 18 %
Communication about medicines - linear mean score Not Applicable
Communication about medicines - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Always" communicated what the medication was for 74 %
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Sometimes" or "Never" communicated what the medication was for 10 %
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Usually" communicated what the medication was for. 16 %
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Always" discussed possible side effects 45 %
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Sometimes" or "Never" discussed possible side effects 35 %
Patients who reported that when receiving new medication the staff "Usually" discussed possible side effects 20 %
Patients who reported that NO, they were not given information about what to do during their recovery at home 13 %
Patients who reported that YES, they were given information about what to do during their recovery at home 87 %
Discharge information - linear mean score Not Applicable
Discharge information - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that NO, they did not discuss whether they would need help after discharge 14 %
Patients who reported that YES, they did discuss whether they would need help after discharge 86 %
Patients who reported that NO, they did not receive written information about possible symptoms to look out for after discharge 13 %
Patients who reported that YES, they did receive written information about possible symptoms to look out for after discharge 87 %
Patients who "Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital 45 %
Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" they understood their care when they left the hospital 7 %
Patients who "Strongly Agree" they understood their care when they left the hospital 48 %
Care transition - linear mean score Not Applicable
Care transition - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who "Agree" that the staff took my preferences into account when determining my health care needs 49 %
Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" that the staff took my preferences into account when determining my health care needs 8 %
Patients who "Strongly Agree" that the staff took my preferences into account when determining my health care needs 43 %
Patients who "Agree" that they understood their responsiblities in managing their health 46 %
Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" that they understood their responsiblities in managing their health 6 %
Patients who "Strongly Agree" that they understood their responsiblities in managing their health 48 %
Patients who "Agree" that they understood the purposes of their medications when leaving the hospital 39 %
Patients who "Disagree" or "Strongly Disagree" that they understood the purposes of their medications when leaving the hospital 6 %
Patients who "Strongly Agree" that they understood the purposes of their medications when leaving the hospital 55 %
Patients who reported that their room and bathroom were "Always" clean 69 %
Patients who reported that their room and bathroom were "Sometimes" or "Never" clean 10 %
Patients who reported that their room and bathroom were "Usually" clean 21 %
Cleanliness - linear mean score Not Applicable
Cleanliness - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported that the area around their room was "Always" quiet at night 44 %
Patients who reported that the area around their room was "Sometimes" or "Never" quiet at night 19 %
Patients who reported that the area around their room was "Usually" quiet at night 37 %
Quietness - linear mean score Not Applicable
Quietness - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who gave their hospital a rating of 6 or lower on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) 10 %
Patients who gave their hospital a rating of 7 or 8 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) 23 %
Patients who gave their hospital a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) 67 %
Overall hospital rating - linear mean score Not Applicable
Overall hospital rating - star rating Not Applicable
Patients who reported NO, they would probably not or definitely not recommend the hospital 5 %
Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the hospital 70 %
Patients who reported YES, they would probably recommend the hospital 25 %
Recommend hospital - linear mean score Not Applicable
Recommend hospital - star rating Not Applicable
Summary star rating Not Applicable

Cost of MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER, Compare to National and State Averages

Understanding how much a hospital is going to cost is extremely difficult. Hospitals themselves actively obscure what they charge and have negotiated different rates with different insurers. Then you have the problem of the wide variety of treatments which the MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER provides.

To provide some standard metric to compare hospital costs, CMS publishes the MSPB (or "Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary"). Even though you may not be on Medicare, this metric may still be useful. The MSPB is expressed as a percentage compared to the national average for costs that Medicare incurs. A percentage higher than 100% means the hospital charges more than the national average while a percentage less than 100% means the hospital charges less than the national average.


Detailed table for spending and period for patients at MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER:

Type Amount
Home Health Agency (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $26
Hospice (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $0
Inpatient (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $28
Outpatient (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $158
Skilled Nursing Facility (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $10
Durable Medical Equipment (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $13
Carrier (1 to 3 days Prior to Index Hospital Admission) $830
Home Health Agency (During Index Hospital Admission) $0
Hospice (During Index Hospital Admission) $0
Inpatient (During Index Hospital Admission) $11,980
Outpatient (During Index Hospital Admission) $0
Skilled Nursing Facility (During Index Hospital Admission) $0
Durable Medical Equipment (During Index Hospital Admission) $29
Carrier (During Index Hospital Admission) $1,658
Home Health Agency (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $1,029
Hospice (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $195
Inpatient (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $2,992
Outpatient (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $963
Skilled Nursing Facility (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $3,160
Durable Medical Equipment (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $122
Carrier (1 through 30 days After Discharge from Index Hospital Admission) $1,268
Total (Complete Episode) $24,461


These measures show how often patients at MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER contract certain infections during the course of their medical treatment, when compared to other hospitals nationally.

Infection Type Score / Compare to National Average
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Lower Confidence Limit 0.13 / Same
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Upper Confidence Limit 1.38 / Same
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection: Number of Device Days 5,764.00 / Same
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Predicted Cases 5.93 / Same
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards): Observed Cases 3.00 / Same
Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection (ICU + select Wards) 0.51 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Lower Confidence Limit 0.78 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Upper Confidence Limit 2.44 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Number of Urinary Catheter Days 7,150.00 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Predicted Cases 8.38 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards): Observed Cases 12.00 / Same
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (ICU + select Wards) 1.43 / Same
SSI - Colon Surgery: Lower Confidence Limit 1.19 / Worse
SSI - Colon Surgery: Upper Confidence Limit 3.73 / Worse
SSI - Colon Surgery: Number of Procedures 179.00 / Worse
SSI - Colon Surgery: Predicted Cases 5.47 / Worse
SSI - Colon Surgery: Observed Cases 12.00 / Worse
SSI - Colon Surgery 2.20 / Worse
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Lower Confidence Limit Not Available / Not Available
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Upper Confidence Limit Not Available / Not Available
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Number of Procedures 20.00 / Not Available
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Predicted Cases 0.20 / Not Available
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy: Observed Cases 0.00 / Not Available
SSI - Abdominal Hysterectomy Not Available / Not Available
MRSA Bacteremia: Lower Confidence Limit 0.20 / Same
MRSA Bacteremia: Upper Confidence Limit 1.19 / Same
MRSA Bacteremia: Patient Days 104,730.00 / Same
MRSA Bacteremia: Predicted Cases 9.29 / Same
MRSA Bacteremia: Observed Cases 5.00 / Same
MRSA Bacteremia 0.54 / Same
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Lower Confidence Limit 0.05 / Better
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Upper Confidence Limit 0.17 / Better
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Patient Days 101,230.00 / Better
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Predicted Cases 116.05 / Better
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff): Observed Cases 11.00 / Better
Clostridium Difficile (C.Diff) 0.10 / Better

How MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER Compares to Other Similar Facilities

This is how MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER compares to other similar hospitals nationally based on data provided to CMS.

Top Hospitals in MODESTO, CA

Worst Hospitals in MODESTO, CA

Percentages of Complications and Deaths at MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER

Measure Score Compared to National Rates
Rate of complications for hip/knee replacement patients 2.8% SAME
Death rate for heart attack patients 12.2% SAME
Death rate for CABG surgery patients 3% SAME
Death rate for COPD patients 7.2% SAME
Death rate for heart failure patients 13.1% SAME
Death rate for pneumonia patients 17.9% SAME
Death rate for stroke patients 13.3% SAME
Pressure ulcer rate 0.33% SAME
Death rate among surgical inpatients with serious treatable complications 190.55% SAME
Iatrogenic pneumothorax rate 0.29% SAME
In-hospital fall with hip fracture rate 0.1% SAME
Postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma rate 2.62% SAME
Postoperative acute kidney injury requiring dialysis rate 1.44% SAME
Postoperative respiratory failure rate 13.96% SAME
Perioperative pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis rate 2.74% SAME
Postoperative sepsis rate 8.41% SAME
Postoperative wound dehiscence rate 2.92% SAME
Abdominopelvic accidental puncture or laceration rate 1.95% SAME
CMS Medicare PSI 90: Patient safety and adverse events composite 1.2% SAME

Skilled Nursing Facilities Near MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER

Many hospital patients are not ready to return home after a hospital visit. If recovery is going to be protracted, doctors will often advise that the patients recuperate at a skilled nursing facility. Below is a list of the skilled nursing homes near MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER ranked by their CMS 5-Star Overall Rating.

Facility Name Overall Rating
Grace Home Inc. 5:
Covenant Village Care Center 5:
Modesto Post Acute Center 5:
Bethany Home Society San Joaquin County 5:
Good Samaritan Rehab and Care Center 5:
Crestwood Manor - 104 5:
Riverwood Health Care 5:
San Luis Care Center 4:
Turlock Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 4:
Crestwood Manor - 112 4:
Harvest Crossing Post Acute 4:
Lincoln Square Post Acute Care 4:
Fulton Gardens Post Acute, LLC 4:
Anberry Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 3:
North Starr Postacute Care 3:
Ceres Postacute Care 3:
Valley Skilled Nursing Center 3:
English Oaks Convalescent and Rehabilitation Hospita 3:
Vintage Faire Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 3:
North Park Post-Acute 3:
Oakdale Nursing and Rehabilitation Center 3:
Manteca Care and Rehabilitation Center 3:
Windsor Hampton Care Center 3:
Clearwater Healthcare Center 3:
Brandel Manor 2:
River View Post Acute 2:
Garden City Healthcare Center 2:
Riverbank Post-Acute 2:
Brookside Care Center 2:
Main West Postacute Care 1:
Almond Vista Healthcare 1:
Golden Modesto Care Center 1:
Noble Care Center 1:
Stockton Nursing Center 1:
Windsor Elmhaven Care Center 1:

Medical Groups Affiliated with MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER

There are 568 doctors and 152 medical groups that are affiliated with MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER.

Affiliated Doctor Groups

The list of medical professionals associated with MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER is very long, so we have added another pages. See a list of medical professionals associated with MEMORIAL MEDICAL CENTER.

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We can provide custom data reports based on our database of skilled nursing facilities. Anything from emails to spreadsheets to an API. Bring the data directly into Salesforce or any other CRM.